The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


"They divided the people they had brought with the troops into three parties, one of which contrived to escape.

K. Y., of Shabatz, aged 60, a wheelwright, deposes that he was taken by the Austrians on July 380th. Several of the enemy spoke Hungarian. Y., together with several women and children, was led away with the . troops. Near Mala Vranska three peasants (soldiers of the 3rd levy) fired from a wood. The soldiers ordered the women to lie down and fired In return. They succeeded in taking the peasants and shot them on the spot. Y. and the others were led as far as Velika Vranska. On arriving there they were forbidden, on pain of death, to return to Shabatz. But they fell in with comitadjis and 50 men of the Serbian 2nd levy, who took them along with them.

Draga Petronievitch, of Shabatz, aged 32, deposes : On the first day three soldiers came to her and asked: © Where is your husband ?” This was on July 80th at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. No one else came until midnight. At that hour she was together with two other women. A captain arrived, with two privates, and demanded bombs and rifles. He added: “We are Hungarians and not wicked, but hoist a white flag over the house.” Next day at about 9 o’clock four soldiers came and ordered her to follow them. Two other ‘women with two children, who had Austrian passports, were left at liberty. Draga Petronievitch was taken to the Hotel Europa, which was crowded with women and children.