The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


the wardrobes of rich houses which had been pillaged. Petronievitch refused te give the names of the young girls who had been violated, but in the end she mentioned the names of a girl of 14 and of two young married women.

Zorka Gaitch, of Shabatz, aged 20, deposes: (Her deposition likewise refers to the events which occurred in Shabatz). Her mother was ill. Zorka was taken to the Hotel Europa. During the course of the fourth night a major and two privates came and took her away to the Prefecture, under the pretext that she was to be questioned. At the Prefecture she was compelled to with the Major; next day she was set at liberty. Many young girls were similarly outraged.

Dragomir Marinkovitch, aged 18, deposes: On August 4th (old style) the Austrian army passed through Lipolist on their flight from the Tzer to the Drina. The inhabitants hid themselves. Many soldiers passed without doing anything. But after an engagement with the Serb cavalry just outside the village, the Austrians, enraged at their reverse, massacred all the villagers they found. Several persons had taken refuge with the Marinkovitch’s ; the soldiers fired through the windows, killing five and wounding another five persons.

The following persons were killed :

Theodore Marinkovitch, aged 60

Marko y UO Ruzhitza 5 ,, 20 Milutin Stotkovitch, LS

Zagorka Stotkovitch, Ll