The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


but not without having been wounded in the hip and foot. Her child was thrown into the doorway of her house, and there the body lay for two days. (I verified the wounds.)

Toana Koitch (aged 56) and Maria Koitch (aged 53), both of Lipolist. These two women had gone out to fetch water, but on their way home they came upon two men dead, and one wounded, who died two days later. These men were Kosta Kozitch, aged 56 ; Zhivan Koitch, aged 18 ; and Ivan Koitch, aged 49. They were ordered to come out of their house, but no sooner had they come outside than they were killed.

Viadimir Popovitch, aged 42, schoolmaster of Lipolist. When the Austrians came for the first time, they merely passed through; but on their return four or five days later, they took him, together with his son George, aged 15, and pinioned them. His mother-in-law, Saveta Philipovitch, was subjected to the same treatment. They were led away, and the soldiers ill-treated and abused them as they went. On one occasion they were even threatened with being shot. A captain gave the order to execute them, but the order was not carried out. In Tzulkovitch they were brought before a Lieutenant-Colonel, probably a Croat or Serb, who set them at liberty. They were transported during one whole night, and the following day until two o'clock.

Part of the Austrian troops which passed through Lipolist on their retreat from the Tzer consisted of the 28th Landwehr Regiment (Hungarian).

Marta Maritch, of Petkovitza, aged 20, deposes :