The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


carried off and killed at Prnjavor. The Austrians were in Ribare from the evening of August 3rd till 4 o'clock next morning. Of course everything was sacked. It happened that on the morning of August 4th a detachment passed through without doing any harm, but when it passed through again in the afternoon the men committed several excesses.

Mileva Gaitch, of Ribare, aged 45. A soldier said to her, “Don’t run away, or we shall burn your house down.” Most of those who did not run away were killed. She ran away in spite of the threats, but her house was half-burnt. On their way to the Tzer the Austrians committed no atrocities, it was only on the way backthat they sacked and massacred.

Dragutin Krsmanovitch, aged 18, and Dragomir Pavlovitch, aged 17, both of Ribare. When the Austrians arrived in Ribare, a woman came to them and said: “Fly, because the Austrians are killing all the young men.” They escaped, but their fathers, who remained, were each of them bayoneted to death (three thrusts each).

Milan Stanchitch, of Ribare,aged 56, was wounded in the right arm, at the elbow, in the chest, in the neck and at the knee. The wounds are bayonet wounds. As in the preceding case the undersigned has verified these injuries. The Austrians led Stanchitch, together with his brother Mihailo, to Leshnitza, where the latter was killed. Mihailo was led a little beyond the village to the place where he was wounded. He was unconscious for eight hours. He did not understand the language spoken by the soldiers. The detachment had passed the evening before without doing any harm; it was on their