The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


contains 109 corpses. All these people were executed on the spot. Most of the victims are natives of Prnjavor. The undersigned photographed the grave, and had it opened in order to verify the contents. , aged 60, He was one of a party of 40 persons who were led up to witness the execution of the 109 victims beside the railway station at Leshnitza. His deposition contains the following additional details. The 109 persons massacred at Leshnitza were men and children (from 3 to 15 years of age). All the victims were tied together by the arms) with ropes. A wire was drawn round them. The Austrian soldiers stood on the railway embankment, and it was from here that they fired their volley. The Serbs fell into the pit in front of them which had been dug all ready beforehand. Directly after the volley the soldiers filled in the ditch without waiting to see whether their victims were dead or only wounded.

Not a single inhabitant of Leshnitza had fired a shot, and no battle had taken place in the vicinity.

In the village of Yadranska-Leshmitza 8 persons were massacred by the Austrians. I append the list with a brief description of their wounds.

Miloie Novakouvitch, aged 17, shot, had received several bayonet thrusts.

Stanislav Novakovitch, aged 50, shot, had received several bayonet thrusts.

Urosh Marianovitch, aged 50, had his eyes put out, his hands and one ear cut off, his cheek pierced, and was finally bayoneted to death.

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