The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations
bowels of the rock, and which all later builders have imitated in different degrees, was nothing more than a blind, and one, too, which has been highly successful. For the real purpose of the Great Pyramid lay in its upper passages and chambers, which render its construction unique amongst all other pyramids, and which were only eventually discovered by an accident.
This happened when the Caliph Al Mamoun, in A.D. 820, whose cupidity was aroused by the stories of
Fic. 1.—Junction of Descending and Ascending Passages in the Great Pyramid. D D, Descending Passage ; A, Ascending Passage ; G, Granite Plug ; S, Stone forming Roof of D D under Plug.
great wealth hidden in the recesses of the Great Pyramid then current, determined to break into it. Acting on the tradition that the entrance was somewhere in the north face, but the true position of which had long been forgotten, he commenced to force an entrance on that side, but at a point considerably below where it was actually situated. Also he began in the centre of the face, whereas the entrance-passage had been constructed several feet to one side. The labour of excavating through solid masonry with the primitive means at disposal was naturally