The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


&thel, n. derived from Sumezian. 182

Ethics ot A.B. summazsized in Welsh Triads Europe, Phoenician infinence on

medern, 3701.

Fan, dial. for Van or Fen tribe, 99

Fates, Three, Sumer origin of n. and function, 243, 248

Father-God in A.B., see Gods in A.B.

Fel, Isle, early n. of Albion, 190,


Female line of descent of Picts and aborigines of Albion, 113f., j22f.

Fen, dialectic for Van and Van wolf tribe, 93

Fenes, Feins, and Fians, aboriginal origin of n., 93-5

Festivals in A.B. of Hitto-Pheenic. origin: Bel-Fire, 260f. ; Shs Blaze day or Candlemas, 40 ; St. George’s Day, 306; St. John’s Day, 2731.; 341; Lammas, 354; Michaelmas, 341; Yule (or Christmas), 69

Fiery Cross in A.B., origin and meaning of, 291, 304

Fin, Finn variant of Van, 95; Finn-men in A.B., 97; placenames in Britain, 97; in Ireland,


Fin-land, migration of Vans to, roof.

Fire, Bel-, in A.B., 260f.; -Cross symbol formed by crossed firesticks, 291-2; -festivals in A.B. (see Festivals) ; Need-F. in A.B.,

271-2; Perpetual F. in A.B., 272; -priests chiefly Barat

Pheenic., 3, 292, and see Magi ; production of sacred F. in solar cult in A.B., 271!.; Red Cross of, 291, 304; -Sticks for sacred f. by friction, 37, 271, 2911; -torch in Part-olon’s homeland, 45; -worship in A.B., 40, 184, 262f.

Fish, sacred, of resurrecting Sun in A.B., as in Hittite, 251, 3c8

Tish-man as god of Waters, 247, and see Neptune

Five, sacred number of Tascio Michael in cup-marks in A. as in Hitto-Sumer, xv., 9, 237, 249f., 261, 339, 347, etc.

St. B:

Harvest, |


Fleet, of Brutus, 152 ; of Part-olon, 76; of Phenics., 387 ; of Britons in R. Fleet, 408

Flint factories ‘‘ Neolithic highgrade’’ in A.B., Pheoenic., for mining tools, 183, 215, 366

Fomor aborigines (Vans or Fenes) of Ireland, 107

Forty days’ fast ve Michael, 359

Fortuna goddess, as Britannia, 57, 59

France, Aryan Briton elements in, 186, 389, Cassi tribe in, 389 ; Catalauni in, 186, 389; Celtic elements in, 129f.; lang. in, based on Sumer, see Words, and see Brittany and map

Furniture in A.B. tombs, 145

Future Life, belief in, by A.B., as by Hitto-Pheenics., 225, 2571.

Gad, title of Pheenicians, 18, 74f., i600, 180, 197, 200f.; G. place and r. names in Britain, 200f.,


Gadeni, Briton tribe, 163, 180, 197, 308, 402

Gades, or “House of Gads,”

Phoenic. tin-port in Spain (Cadiz), 68, 74, 159-60 ; as Agadir, i171 ; as Gadeira, 171; Brutus at, 154, 159; Duke Corineus and his Phoenician kinsmen at, 160; Hercules visited, 159; perpetual fire at, 272; Geloni Phoenic.Goths related to, 395; trade with A.B., 147,

Gadie, r. at site of Part-olon’s monument in Don Valley, 17f., 403 ; Gadi or Gade r. names in Brit., 203, 397, 402f.

Gaditani Fretum or Frith of Gads, Roman n. for Gibraltar Straits with Pillars of Hercules, see map


Gaels or “‘Celts”’ ¢@. Picts, 136140; Iberian type of, 136f. Gaelic lang., branch of British

Gothic, 180

Galatia, province of the Vans or Khaldis, 99, I00—-2

Galatic n. for Gaul of the Kelts or Celts, 99, 117

Gates of Night, figured on A.B. monuments and coins, as in HittoSumer, 247-9, 285 (a), 308

Gawolan, Brit. king of Dunbarton, 143