The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Heraldic animals and emblems, British, as sacred animals and emb. of Hitto-Pheenicians, see Animals, Cross, Gyron, Unicorn, etc.

Hercules, the Pheenic., worshipped in A.B., 44, 335, 339, 347, 349, 391 ; a canonized human Pheenic. hero, 266; ancestor of Geloni Goths, 7o, 395; as defender of Goat (or Goth), 334—5f., 346-7 ; as Dionysos, 340, 346; as Lord of Tarsus, 346; as St. Michael, 334-5, 359; as Tascio on A.B. and Phoenic. coins, 339f., 346f., see Tascio ; on A.B. monuments, 335f.; on Hitt-seals and mons., 334, 340 ; Lion of, as vanquished Death totem of aborigines, 331f., 334f, and Ogam script, 37/5 Phoenic. statues of, 266; Pillars of, 27f., ve Britain, 147; Point of, in Severn, 195 ; sailings of, 406; n. on A.B. coins (?) 261, 347, 349

Heremon (? German}, opponent of Part-olon in Don Valley, 395

Heria Fedr, Eddic Gothic title of human King Thor as “ Aryan Pather "’ for Heria Thor or ArThur, 195, 198

Herodotus on A.B. and Pheenician Tin mines, 160

Het-land n. of Shet-land, 209

Hett or Heth or Hitt, Hebrew for Khatti (or Hitt-ite), 8, 203,

Hibernia v. Hiberia or Iberia, 3

Himlico, Phoenic. admiral on A.B., civilization about 500 B.c., 147

Hit or Hitt in Brit. place-names for Khatti, 8, 203f., 397f.

Hitt-ite, European coined term for Khatti, ancient imperial ruling tace of Asia Minor and SyrioPheenicia Palestine, 5-8; 200f. ; [lannu synonym for, 69; Khilaani (or A.B. Gyaolownie or Gioln) synonym for, 67f.

Hitt-ites, or Khatti or Catti, as Arri or primitive Aryans, 6-9, 12-15, etc., see Arvans; as Amorites, 224f., see Amorites ; as Ancient Britons, 151- as Goths, 6f., see Goths,: as Indo-

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Hoffmann Tablet, archaic Amorite or Ari, with key to Cup-marks, 257-8, 411f.

Hor Mazd, Sun-god n. and function and representation derived from Sumer, 242

Horned head-dress of A.B., AngloSaxons, and Goths derived from Hitto-Sumer, 239, 245, 2501. ; origin of, in rebus or totem Goat for * Goth,’ 331f.

Horse, Sun-, of Hitto-Phosnic. on A.B. coins, 6, 48, 273, 347, etc. ; on Pheenic. coins, 9, 347f. ; Thor or Odinn’s, in Brit., 286-7 ; -shoe for luck, solar meaning af, 287

Horse-man on A.B. coins, 9) & with legend desu, Eisv, 284-5, eLee

Horus, Sun-god, Aryan Sumerian n., 306

House-building in A.B. introd. by Aryan Catti-Pheenicians, 7o, 170.

Houses in A.B. of wood (Hittite Khilaani type}, 60f., rzof.

Hn or Ho, dedicates Bel monument at Logie, Don Valley, 356

Hu-Gadarn, leader of tst Cymri migration to A.B., 190, 356

Hugh, Sumer origin of n., 356

Human sacrifice in A.B. by preBriton aborigines, 183, 271, 331. 3 by Druids of lunar cult, 232-3

Hun, invasion of Britain about 1070 B.C., 157 ; racial type, 134f., I4I ; in modern Britain, 136, 365

| Hymns to Sun, Sumer-Pheenician,

Aryans or Khattiyo Barats, 8f. “1

as Pheenicians, 8 -12f. 3 as Sumerians, tif.; as worldcivilizers, 200, 363 ; worshipped Vedic gods,i14f.

312; Brito-Gothiec, 313

Hythe or Hith, 203, 205

Ia (lahvh or Jove) or Indara, HittoSumer Father-god worshipped in A.B., 259f.; as Induru, 323f.

| Iberian Tace-type of aborigines of

Albion, 93, 119, 134f.

Icar or Ikar, personal n. of King Part-olon in his inscrip., 32, 56; a common pers. n. among Cassis of Babylonia, 50

Icht, sea of (ve Ictis and Picts), 116, 121, 139, 164f., 201, 405

Ictis, Phoenician tin-port in Cornwall, 116, 164f., 201, 414

Tey, n. of Hercules (?) on A.B, coins, 347-