The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Cassi and Catti colonies in, see map; straits of, as “‘ Frith of the Gads’’ or Pheenics., 159 and see map

Megaliths, ve Phoenic. mine-workings in A.B., 217f.; in Brittany, 216; in Phoenicia and Palestine, 222{.; spread by Pheenics, 217. ; see Stone Circles

Mer, dialectic for Mar, Martu or Amorite, 190, 215, 243, 260; cup-marked tombstone of prehistoric, in A.B., 260 ; Diggings of the, early n. for Britain, 190, 216

Mercury’s rod derived from Sumer, 239, 242, 245, 412

Merddin, Clas-, or ‘‘ Diggings of Merd, Maruts, Mer or Mars, ancient n. for Albion, 216

Merlin and Stonehenge tri-lithon temple, 232f.

Metapontum, Bruttii Phoenics., 214 ; Com on coins of, as in A.B., 274

Mesopotamia, Phoenicians in early,


Michael, St., the Archangel, worshipped by Sumers, HittoPheenics. and Trojans, as in A.B., 240f., 334-5f., 349; blessing of, invoked by Pheenics. and Britons, as by King Alfred and English Prayer-book, 341, 343, 351f., 360-1 ; Cross of, in Hitto-Pheenic. Trojan and A.B., 357f.; Door of Heaven title of, in Sumer, 351, 359; Dragon-slayer in HittoSumer, as in A.B., 319-20, 343; saves Goats as ‘“‘ Goths’’ from Lion and Wolf tribe totems in A.B., as in Hitto-Pheenic., 334-7, 352f.; Goose of, in Pheenic., as in A.B., 359f.; Phoenic. n. Miklu and Dashup-Mikal, 249, 335f., 341; Resurrector of Dead title of, in Hitto-Sumer, Trojan and A.B., 255f., 259f, 3590, 412; Phoenix, Sun-bird of, in Phcenicia and A.B., 349-50, Saves by Cross in Hitto-Sumer, Troj. and A.B.,256f., 360; Spear of, 354f. ; shrines, prehistoric of, in A.B., 360; Wells, sacred, of, 341, 3571., 300; and see Tascio

Michaelmas, Hitto-Sumer origin of, and of n., 341; pre-Christian festival of, in A.B., 341f.


Michael's Mount, St., Tin port of Pheenics. in Cornwall, 164-5 ; Fire festivals at, 281; Ictis n. of, 164f., 414; Sun-temple at, 281

Mictis, n. for Phoen. Tin-portin A.B., 414; see Ictis

Midsummer Day, MHitto-Phoenic. solar festival of, in A.B., 225

Migration, prehistoric, of Vans or Fens from Asia Minor to Albion, 98f., 104f.; to Ireland, 91, ro4f.

Miklu, n. of Michael on Phoenic. coins, 349

Mines of Pheenic. and Stone Circles, 2r8f.

Minos, king of Crete, a Phoenic., 161 Minting in A.B., 144, see Coins, and Segon, Selsey, Verulam, etc. Mitani, Mittani or Mlidtani, or Medes, as Arri or Aryan confed-

erates of Hittites, 14, 222

Mithra, Sun-cult in A.B., 46, in Cilicia, 57

Mixing of races in British Isles, 141

Monotheism, idea of, origd. by Aryan Hittites, 263f., 303f, of A.B., 183f. ; of Phoenics., 1, 13,

1783, 263f.; of Aken-aten as Pheenician, and in A.B., 221, 2658.

Monuments, destruction of pre-

Christian Briton, 35

Mor, dialectic of Mar, Marru, Muru or Martu, or “ Amorite,”’ 216, 257, etc.; in placenames in Britain, 216-17

Moray Firth and Morites, 217

Mor-bihan (or Little Mor) in Brittany, with megaliths and Suncult (Amorite), 103, 216

More-cambe Bay and Morites, 217

More-dun and Mori-dun and Moriton, 217

Moriah, n. of Palestine and Mt. of Jerusalem, as Amorite or Aryan, 2741.

Mor-Maer, clan chiefs in Moray and Aberdeen, ve Mors

Morocco, mod. n. of Mauret-ania or Land of Maruts or Amorite Pheenic., with megaliths, 216

Morton, 217

Mungo, St., see Kentigern, 272

Murray, pers. n., re Marru or Muru, Amorite, 217

Muru, or Amorite, 257f.; Cupmarked tombstone of, in A.B., 260