The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


338f.; and see Archangel and Corn-Spirit and Tascio-Michael ; Cross as symb. of God in A.B., and devil and death-banisher, see Cross; Father-god in A.B., 264f., and see God, Bel, and Indara ; Future Life, belief in, in A-B., 225, 257!.; God names in A.B. identical with Hitto-Phcenician, 241f., 317, 336, and see Michael ; Orientation of Dead in A.B., 22 25, 262; Prayers of prehistoric Britons, 258f.; Resurrection from Dead by Cross in, 255f., 308f., 343, 359; Righteousness an ideal of, 262, 312; symbols of, identical with Hitto-Phoen. and Trojan, 262f., 28o0f., 315f. ; Sts. Andrew, George, Michael in A.B., see these names, and Bel, Cross, Indara and Tascio, Paradise and Sun-worship

Resef, Egyptian n. for Tascif of A.B., 339, see Tascio

Resurrection from Dead in A.B., belief in, 256f., 308f., 343, 359

Ricon, pees ciOy n.on A.B. coins, 385, 301, cp. Rigg

Rigg, or Ric, British Gothic n. for Rex, Raja or king, 227; Castle R., n. for Keswick Stone Circle, path

Rings, concentric, and cups, as prehistoric rock and stone marks, 258f., 287

Rings, concentric, on coins and monuments, 237-9, 3411.

River-bed race, as Picts, 120134-6; physical type of, 134f.

River names, Aryan, in A.B. conferred by Hitto-Pheenics., 1 72-4 j and see Avon, Esk, Ouse, Tamar, Thames, Usk, Clyde, etc., 117, 197

Roads, so-cailed Roman, as A.B., 182, rorf., 204f., and see Watling St., etc.

Roman Cross, of Hittite origin, 299

Roman invasion of Britain, Cesar’s, re A.B. civilization, see Caesar

Roman roads, as Briton, 182, 191, 204f.; ships inferior to Brittany and (?) British, 103

Rome, sacked by Briton king Brennus of Gaul, 34, 380

Rood-loft and screens, ve preChrist. Gothic Cross, 311


Rosettes on A.B. coins and mons., 284

Rowan or Quicken Ash as Tree of Life of Hittites and Goths, 311 ; as devil-banishing wood of SunCross, 311

Rufina, Briton lady in Roman society, 185

Runes, Gothic script allied to, and Pheenic., 178 ; common in Britain and Scandinavia, 180; nonTeutonic, absent in Germany, 180

Ruthwell Cross with Sun-hawk and Solar emblems re Cadmon, 180

Rvii, n. on A.B. coins, 392

Sace or Sakai Goths as Sax-ons, Hittite origin and meaning of n., 331, and see Zag synonym of Khat or Khatti

Sacred Fire produced in A.B. by Hitto-Pheenic. mode, 271k.

Sacred wells of St. Michael in A.B., Pheenician, 341

Sacrifices, homan, by aborigines of Albion, 183, 232, 271, 331

Segon, A.B. clan, worshippers of Hercules, 44; coins of, 261, 391

Sagas, Hitto-Amorite tribe in Syria Pheenicia (as Sax-oms ?), 331

Saints, patron, etc., see Andrew, Bartholomew, Blaze, Britannia, George, John, Michaei, Patrick, Peter

Sakka, Vedic god in A.B., 244, and see Sig Sakya, clan of Khattiyo, Catti,

Aryans, of Buddha, as Sac® or Sax-ons, 331

Sanctuary rights in A.B. at a Plough (G.C. 3, 17) ve Hittite St. Michael-Tascio and Cross, 49,


Santkrit, derived from Sumer, xXi., Sf., etc., and see India, Vedas and Words

Saras R. of Cilicia, of Tarsus delta, the Vedic Saras-wati R. of the Barats and Barati, or Britannia

8 5

Sardinia, Amorite Pheenic. colony, Barat tombs in, 52f., giant’s tombs in, 223 ; Stone Circles, 223

Sargon I. of Akkad, abt, 2800 B.c., aid Tin mines of Cornwall, 160, 169, 171, 216, 413f.