The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Spain, Phoenic. clans in, ve A.B., 160 ; Early Pheen. trade of, with A.B. in Tin, Copper, Amber and Jet, 222 ; and see Gades, Caphtor and Cat-alonia

Spectacles, emblem of A.B, monuments, its Hitto-Pheen. solar meaning, 20, 247, 399, 355

Spiral ornaments, origin and solar meaning disclosed, 247f., 287, 307-8

Ssil, Pheenic. leg. on A.B. Coin, 43

St. Michael’s Mount, Tin port of Pheenicians in A.B., see Michael’s Mount

Stone Circles, as Amorite Phcenician Solar observatories, 167, 169, 2T60, 222-4; avenues orient. of,

225; burials in, 225; in Amorite

Palestine, 222; in Brit., 216,

219; in India, 218, 223; in

Persia, 223f. ; in Pheenicia, 222f. ;

in Sardinia, 223; in Tripoli,

223; date of, 224; Egyptian

theory of, 217; May Day align-

ment in, 226, 234; observation |

stones in, 226f.; purpose of, 225f., 234; relation to anc. Phcen. mines, 218f.; relation to Barat, Cassi, Catti and Mor names, 224; sacred as Law Courts, 235 ; Sumerian marks on observ. stones, 228, 231-2 ; Summer Solstice alignt., 225f.; Suntise sighting of, 230f.; see Keswick, Long Meg, Shap, Stonehenge, Don Valley, 20, 309; Michael’s Mount 281, etc.

Stone drums, prehist., graved with Solar symbs. in A.B., 272

Stonehenge, Stone Circle, 192 Friar’s heel at, vse of, 233-4; mode of Sunrise sighting at, 230 observation stone at, 231-2 Pheenician beads of I400 B.c. at, 219-20; Trilithon temple at, Druidical, 232-3; Tyrian Shells at, 219

Strath-Clyde, or Cambreis, A.B. kingdom of, I12

Subterranean dwellings of Picts, oof.; of Vans, Wans, Bians or

_ Fens, rorf.

Sumer, a n. of Early Mesopotamia Toc ; as n. Cumber or Cambreis in A.B., root.

Sumerian, a title for civilizers of Early Mesopotamia, Itt; a


branch of Arvan Khatti or Hittites, 13f., 33, etc. ; as Amorites, 13f.; as Cymri in A.B., 1gof. ; as Early Pheenicians, :3f. ; as Gomer in A.B., 193-5; ianguage as proto-Aryan and basis of English, xi., 27f., 411-2; and see Words; n. in A.B. placeMames, 190, 195, 197-8, 208; script in A.B., 227f., 249, and see cup-marks, 238f.

Sun, adored in A.B. as by Early Arvans, Hitto-Sumers, Phosnics. and Trojans, and by same names, 262f.; anthropomorphic, 2, 46,

' 230f.; as Belin A.B., as in HittoSumer, 1f., 32f., 300f.; dual form in A.B. as in Hittc-Sumer, day and night, 247f.; Gates of Night of, in A.B. as in HittoSumer, 247-8 ; hymns and prayers to, in A.B. as in Hitto-Sumer and Trojan, 25o0f., 312f.; Resurrecting, invoked for Resurrect. from Dead in A.B. as in HittoSumer and Trojan, 240, 25ai., 28o9f.; son of the, title, 47 ; Symbols of, in A.B. as in HittoSumer, Pheenic. and Trojan, see Bel, Sun-bird, coins A.B., Cross Circles, Fire, Goat, Horse, Spectacles, Spirals, Swastika, symbols, Tascio and Wheel

| Sun Bird in A.B. as in Hitto-Sumer

and Pheenic., see Eagle, Goose, Hawk, Phoenix

Sun-Crosses in A.B., see Cross, Fiery C. and Red C.

Sun-god, Bel, 3, etc., see Bel and Sun

Sun heroes in A.B., see Tascio; in Ireland, 124

Sun horse, see Horse

Sun-priests, see Magi, Priest-kings ; -priestesses, Amorite and Phoenician, 3, 411f.

Sun symbols, see Symbols

Sun-wise lucky direction in A.B. as in Hitto-Pheenic., 282-3

Sun-worship, so called, in A.B. as with Hitto-Phceens., 183f., 258f., 261f.; in Brittany, 1In3, 216; in Don Valley, 20, 29, etc.; at St. Michael’s Mount, (Phoenic. tin-port) of Phoen. type, 264¢. ; on Coins (g.v.) ; Fire-production for, in A.B. by Pheenic. mode, 37, 271t.; forbidden in A.B.