The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


a practical monopoly of the whole trade in the Adriatic. Not only the Serbo-Croatian ports would be placed in Italian territorial waters, and under the command of the Italian guns, but the Italian territorial claims in Northern Dalmatia are carefully calculated to impede and hinder a possible new railway communication between Croatia and her historical ports in Dalmatia. The projected railway line, before reaching Split (Spalato), would have to pass through Italian territory, and its trade would be obliged to pass to an Italian port. Of course the commercial development of the Southern Slav country would be handicapped, which must be a new source of antagonism and friction between both nations.

Now we come to the supreme argument of the necessity of good strategic frontiers which urges Italy to occupy those provinces on the opposite shores of the Adriatic. The reason of strong strategic frontiers has always been a trump card in the hands of the militarists of every State and a constant source of friction among European nations.

Every State availing itself of a temporary victory imposed strategic frontiers upon the defeated or weaker nation, to the prejudice and humiliation of the latter. Strategic necessity and historic rights tore Alsace-Lorraine away from France, handing it over to the yoke of the Prussian militarists.