The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


Allies are fighting is the restoration and indemnification of Belgium and Serbia; but their second nearest aim is the annihilation of German militarism. But how can Germany be cured of the canker of militarism when there would remain Russian, Italian, and Serbian militarism? The German people cannot be annihilated. There will remain Germany’s productive power; and German militarism, defeated and humiliated, would avail itself of any rift between the Allies in order to assert itself again. It is obvious to every student of the European situation that Germany will use every means and opportunity to obtain an outlet to the Adriatic. The Italians, having occupied Trieste and _ its hinterland, would have to resist not only the Southern Slavs’ resentment, but also the German onrush to the south. It is a question primarily for Italy, whether she can, and for how long a time, successfully resist both pressures. And even if she could do so, would the advantages obtained by it be adequate to the sacrifices required? The Italian risorgimento has played a great part for the risorgimento of the Southern Slavs, and the words of Cavour, “ With the devil, if necessary, only to unite Italy,” will surely be remembered by them.

The fallacy of strategic frontiers is the most dangerous snare for the nations, and Italy has every reason to avoid falling into it. The best strategic frontiers for every nation are the