The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


of Russia and Austria-Hungary which worked for the dividing and breaking-up of the strength of the Balkan Slavs and their States, Bulgaria could not escape the far more pernicious influence of the spirit of the age which prevailed in Europe during the last fifty years, and is now, more than ever, dominating its political counsels and deliberations. The spirit of aggressive selfishness and cunning statecraft emanating from a victorious and powerful Germany, preached and extolled by her State philosophers and theorists of Prussian Junkerdom, found an easy access in Sofia. That spirit, which contaminated the whole of Europe and proclaimed the doctrine that Might is going before Right, also infected the policy of Bulgaria.

Taking all into account, without fear of appearing partial to any one, we may say for the sake of historical accuracy that Serbia was infected in a far lesser degree than Bulgaria by that spirit of exaggerated national consciousness which sees nothing in the world beyond its national interests. We do not wish to say that Serbian politicians possessed in a higher degree than those of Bulgaria some stronger virtues, or that they were free from some national vices, but Serbia being hard pressed by Austria-Hungary, always felt the imperative necessity of an understanding with Bulgaria for co-operation and lasting friendship.

As to Bulgaria, things seemed quite different

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