The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


to the forces of Great Britain. Eminently peaceful and the sincere friend of liberties in Europe, Great Britain would lose nothing of her civilising value if she would surround herself with smaller nations, who would look up to her for spiritual guidance and assistance, and be able to render her effective and valuable service in fighting on her side for the triumph of those ideals and principles which make the raison d’étre of Great Britain.

Great Britain has obtained the most noble and durable results in her history when her policy has been both just and bold. In promoting the constitution of the united Southern Slav nation in a strong and really independent State within its ethnographical frontiers, the policy of Great Britain would be both bold and noble. It would be in complete harmony with the openly proclaimed principle of nationality and self-government of each people for which Great Britain went to fight. Straightforward and dignified Great Britain will never stoop |to bargain with the ideals and just aspirations of smaller nations. In giving a friendly hand to the Southern Slavs in the critical hour of their history, when their longed-for dream of freedom and unity will be either realised or crippled, Great Britain would most beautifully crown the generous action of disinterested help given to Serbia during war.

In the remaking of the Southern Slav nation a fine opportunity for insight and true states-