The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


temperature of nearly 48°. The lakes of Plitvica in Croatia, the Postojna cave in Carniola, the lake of Ohrida in Old Serbia, the plateau of Zlatibor in Serbia can vie in beauty with any other spot on the globe. They cannot but attract large numbers of British and other visitors, and the building of comfortable hotels is a first necessity. The Serbian Government, in order to attract foreign capital and enterprise, is willing to grant land and liberal concessions : exemption from taxation, free import of all building material, etc.

Space does not allow us to enter into many other interesting details, but the above lines may suffice to show to every inhabitant of these islands that the Southern Slav State is, from every point of view, a most interesting country for Great Britain. Economically and commercially Great Britain and Greater Serbia are two complementary countries whose interests are nowhere opposed and could be most harmoniously dovetailed together. It would be folly or an unhappy blow of ill-fate if the leading quarters of Great Britain should fail to grasp the present opportunity for promoting the unity, independence and economic development of the Southern Slavs. By seizing it they would serve both the highest principles of liberty and humanity, contribute to the security of Great Britain and increase the prosperity of her people.