The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


of a drawn battle or a partial victory of the Allies? During this war Germany’s hold upon her has been greatly tightened. The Czechs, a highly civilised nation, have been mercilessly persecuted, their members of the Vienna Reichsrath imprisoned with thousands of other suspected citizens. Gallows are erected all over their country and are taking hundreds of victims. The Czechs pray for our victory and contribute to it greatly. The Czech regiments surrendered to the Russians and the Serbs, and were ruthlessly butchered by brutal German officers.

The Italians, Roumanians, and the Southern Slavs did and do the same and suffer equally. The latter are looking for deliverance to Italy, Roumania or Serbia, and, after having surrendered, take an active part in fighting on the side of the Allies. No wonder that Austria-Hungary is exhausted, and sacrifices as a last resource to the unsatiable Moloch of dominion children of fourteen and old men of sixty-five years of age.

Will the Slavs and Latins, returning, meekly endure the Germano-Magyar yoke? Can Austria Hungary, impoverished and exhausted, manage after this war to control all centripetal forces which menaced her with dismemberment before it? Italy, Serbia, Roumania will continue to exercise their attraction upon their kinsmen, and those centripetal tendencies will become greater than ever, taking into account that the dynasty,