The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


One of the first biological microscopes by Anthony van Leeuvenhoek (1632-1723)

Robert Hooke’s microscope (16351703) .

Mr. Everymouse at his toilet

The human skeleton ‘

The pull of shortening muscles .

The human body, showing how the more important organs are disposed : : : :

The forearm: muscles and related parts

Our internal organs .

The membrane that lines the abdomen

A slip of gristle, highly magnified, showing embedded cells

A few cells from human blood .

A fine artery branching out into capillaries The blood-flow ‘round the body

Ventricles of the heart

The three phases of the heart pump .

An artery and the corresponding vein

A vein : showing pocket-shaped valves

Action of valves on blood flow .

The organs of respiration .

The heart and lungs. :

Cells with cilia, from the windpipe ;

The organs of excretion

A ladney cut to reveal its porous nature

Energy requirements from food .

Percentage composition of some common foodstufts

The organs of digestion

The mouth, nose, and throat :

How food is squeezed along the digestive tube. .

~ Muscle cells of the digestive tube

CeHs which accumulate hoards of fat for use in time of need

Intestinal organs of a rabbit

The human vermiform appendix

Inner surface of the intestine

A vertical section of skin

A thin section of the human scalp ; ;

how the “roots”? of hairs are constructed . . . Three vitally important ductless

glands from a normal man—the right adrenal, the ee and the pituitary

A nerve cut across reveals an enormous number of fibres lying side by side

A single nerve-cell

The calf-muscle of a frog with its nerve


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How our hairs feel :

Four types of “ touch ” organ :

Three cells from the sensitive membrane of the nose

A taste-bud from the tongue

The mechanism of hearing

The spiral cochlea

Sensitive cells of the ear

Essential parts of the eyeball

Why we sniff when we cry. :

A rod and a cone from the retina

The blind spot .

Illustrating some errors of judgment in our usual brain-centres

The labyrinth of the inner ear

The brain and upper end of the spinal cord .

A slice of the cerebrum

A bit of grey matter . :

The lower jaw: prime of life ; age .

Nerve cells from the brain : of an old man

Two sperms

An ovum and a sperm

Male organs of reproduction

Female reproductive organs

Segmentation—first steps in development of a human egg

Human embryo, about three weeks old

Human embryo, about four weeks old

The embryo in the uterus .

Grades in over-activity of the front part of the pituitary gland .

The skeleton of a dog .

The rough dogfish

Early embryos: dogfish, lizard, ‘chick, rabbit, and man

An Ungulate

An Inguiculate

A Primate

A Cetacean

The pelican preens himself

The green lizard

The common toad ;

Group of semi-vertebrates .

Section of lobster

‘The common lobster

A lobster’s limb muscles

The hermit crab

The parasite Sacculina

The cockroach .

Peripatus . :

A scallop showing organs ‘

The common whelk .

The common cuttle-fish


Vat sixteen ;



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