The Vedic fathers of geology


-literature p. Il, LV, 4, 5, 8, 86, 132.

-Geological references in the Vedic literature 4, 8 13, 14. 15, 18-25, 86-91, 99-121, 127-157.

Vedic researches in geology 108.

Vedic Rishis p. III, 9९.20; 91, 1210 110 -र the Tertiary period 5,

121, 126.

Vedic times and the cultivation of the science of geology 86,

Vedic Yugas 143.

—their explanation 144,145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 156, 157.

Vendidad 78, 79, 80, 82.

Verethrajiao 44 (wide Vritraha ).

Vernal equinox 27.

Vidya’ranya Swami 123.

Vincent Smith p. V.

Vindhyan Age 111,

-Epoch 114, | —Era 102, 153, 154. —Period 11, or Pre-Cam-

brian. Vipat, Vipash, or Vipa4sha, a Vedicriver, andthe modern Beeas 40, 55, 56, 57. Vishnu Purdna-Geological references in the-10, 18, 88, 116. Vital gradations 25, 96.

Vitality on arth 9, 10, 21, 94, 100, 101, 109, 111. Vitality in moss 87, » inthe weeds 87, 88,130. +) in the lotus 87, 88. ~ +) in the herbs 87, 88,109. 115, 128, 130. » in plant 87, 109 » in trilobites 87, 108 109, 111 in fishes 87, 88, 111, 113, 115, 130. » in reptiles 87, 88, 111. 5, in tortoise 88,112, 115, 130. », in boar 88, 130, »» in Man—Lion or Ape 88, 89, 112, 130 , in Man 88,109, 130 Vivanhan, a corrupt form of Vaivasvate, appearing in the Rig-Veda 142. Vivasvata 142. Vritra (gq ) 39, 40, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52. Vritraghni 60 ( vide Sara8817 सरस्वती व्रचघ्नी ). Vritraha’ 44. Vritra Serpent 51 58, 59, 60 ( vide Serpent ) Vritra Slayer ( or Slayer of Vritra ) 49

Vritra slaying Indra 42, 52,

53, 59. पर,

Waagen 114.