Towards democracy


16 Towaras Democracy

Come !—and to the wanderers lighting their camp-fires at the feet of the world-old statues at Thebes; and to the sacred exiles on the march to Irkutsk; to the wild riders across the plains of Wallachia: ;

And to the sweet healthy-bodied English girl, and to the drink-marked prostitute, and to the convicted criminals, the diseased decrepit and destitute of all the Earth:

Lo! my children I give myself to you; I stretch my arms; on the lips each one in the name of all I kiss you:

Come! And out of your clinging kisses, see! I

create a new world.

X Who understands ? Who draws close as a little child ? Ah! who is he who stands closest? And has heard the word, himself, uttered out of the ground from between the clods ?

Who is the wise statesman who walks hand in hand with his people, guiding and guided?

Who is the child of the people, moving joyous, liquid, free, among his equals, touching nearest the serene untampered facts of earth and sky?

Who is the poet whom love has made strong strong strong with all strength ?

Ah! who is he who says to the great good Mother: Cling fast, O Mother, and hold me; clasp thy fingers over my face and draw me to thee for evert