Towards democracy
500 Towards Democracy
Is it all my acquisitions—of goods, of skill, of knowledge, of character—but what are they for myself but weariness, save I can yield them to the hands of one I love?
O little heart, where my friends my dear ones live, thou alone remainest !
While I live thou livest, and while thou livest they live, whose home is within thy walls.
Methinks that when I die I still shall hold Thee;
Methinks that when the world fades my little heart shall glow,
And grow and grow into another World,
And be my Paradise where I shall find
My lovers, and they me, for evermore.
Our OF THE House or CuimtpHoop
r \O take by leaving, to hold by letting go.
Now, when out of the house of your childhood you are departing,
Where you suffered, where you joyed, in the old confused childish way, not certainly distinguishing things,
Now suddenly, as you leave, how it all becomes clear, as in a kind of new and incomparable light!
This is the corner where your little bed stood against the wall, this the window where the moon peeped, and the white and ghostly dawn came;
These are the closed rooms and chests into which you