Анали Правног факултета у Београду



RIVISTA INTERNAZIONALE DI SCIENZE SOCIALI, Milano, Vol. XXV, Fase. VI, Noverhbre-Dicembre 1954. G. Carpano: La leoria generale del commercio estera di Antonio Génovesi. F. Oules: L’imposta diretta sul reddito e Vimposta generale sull’entrata alia luce della concezione keynesiana. F. Vito: Ordinamento tributario e sviluppo economico. L. Ancona: Tendenze attuali degli studi sociologici negli Stati Uniti d’America. G. C. Mazzocchi: II risarmio d’impresa negli Stati Uniti: a proposito di una recente pubblicazione. Vol. XXVI, Fase. I, Gennaio-Febbraio 1955. F. Vito: Considerazioni metodologiche intorno alio studio degli „stati di tensione sociale”. A. Predetti: Sut criteri di priorité degli Investimenti nei paesi arretrati. —■ E. Paterlini: II mercato comune del carbone e acciaio e la posizione dell’ltalia. A. Benedetti: La politica contemporanea della sicurezza sociale. G. Conserva: L’evoluzione della teoria del monopolio. G. Giorgi: Alcuni aspetti sociologici della meccanizzazione agraria e dell’industrializzazione. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY , New York, Vol. XIX, No. 1, Winter 1955. M. A. Jaspan: Race and Society in South Africa. L. S. Williamson: An Approach to the Interpretation of Dreams. Peter Alt: The Poverty of Welfare Economics. SWISS REVIEW OF WORLD AFFAIRS, Zürich, vol. IV. No. 10, January 1955. Urs Schwarz: The Rearmement of Germany. Reto Caratsch: The Constitution-Reform in France. Salomon Wolff: Two Years of the Coal and Steel Community. Walter Bosshard: Journey to Peking. No. 11 February 1955. Max Beer: The United Nations in Its Tenth Year. Edwin Hurter: Germany’s Financial Defense Contribution. —■ Friedrich Wlatnig: Austrian Roundup. The „Neue Zürcher Zeitung” Celebrates Its 175th Anniversary. Salomon Wolff: Expansion Without Inflation-Three Years of Currency Stability in France r. No. 12, March 1955. Albert Muller: The Experiment MendèsFrance. Franz Borkenau: The Struggle for Power in Moscow. F. E. Aschinger: From an Economist’s Journey to, Egypt. Eduard Grüner: Irrigation and Hydroelectric Planning in the Middle East. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, London, vol. CLVII, No. 935, January 1955. Reginald Paget: What sort of an Army will Germany have? Erwin Hasselmann: Germany’s Desperate Dilemma. Sander Vanocur: The Fleshpots of Berlin. G. L. Arnold: Germany Yestreday and Tomorrow. No. 936, February 1955. Graham Hough: Old Western Man. —M.J. C. Hodgart: In. the Shade of the Golden Bough. • Barry Supple: The Cold Crusades. John Allen: In Defence of Uncertainty. Noel Annan: People. Robin Marris: An Economist’s Challenge. D. W. Brogan: Europe 1955. David Daiches: A Camridge Dialogue. Allendale Sanderson: After the University? No. 937, March 1955. Margaret Masterman: Belief Without Strain. Rev. E. L. Allen: A Christian’s Humanism. Richard Lowenthal: Stalinism Without Stalin? WELTWIRTSCHAFTLICHES ARCHIV ( Zeitschrift des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft a. d. Universität Kiel), 1954, Bd. 73, Heft 2. Dr. Andreas Paulsen: Zins und Systemgleichgewicht Die Entwicklung des Problems bei Wickseil und Keynes. Аутор усваја разлику између номиналне (монетарне) камате и реалне („природне“) камате. Док гтрва означава однос између „садашње“ и „будуће“ куповне моћи новца, друга изражава реалан однос, однос између ..садашње“ и „будуће“ вредности дсбара. Класична коицедција економске равно-