Анали Правног факултета у Београду



Price Ratios of Corporate Equities. D. Patinkin: Financial Intermediaries and the Logical Structure of Monetary Theoty. ■ — M. Bornstein: The Reform and Revaluation of the Ruble. No. 2, May 1961. —■ У овом б pojy објављени су реферата и дискусије па 73 годишњој скупштини Удружења америчких економиста која je одржапа у Сент-Лујсу (Мисури) од 28 —30 децембра 1960. Дневни ред скупштине обухватио je следеће теме: Monetary Theory New and Old Looks; Macroeconomic Theories of Income Distribution; Capital Theory; Managerial Economics; Frontiers in Uncertainty Theory —• The Evidence of Future Markets; Distribution Costs —■ Concepts and Measures; Antitrust Problems; Economic Analysis of Urban Problems; Public Utilities and Transportation; Wheat A Permanent Need for a Farm Program?; Problems of Economic Instability in Other Countries; Balance of Payments of the United States; Economics and National Security; Economic Development in Mainland China; Influence of Moral and Social Responsibility on Economic Behavior; Economic Education Challenge to Our Proffession. No. 3, June 1961. —• J. M. Guttentag: The Short Cycle in Residential Construction, 1946 — 59. W. L. Hansen: The Cyclical Sensitivity of the Labor Supply. M. E. Kreinin: Effect of Tariff Changes on the Prices and Volume of Imports. ■ — V. Holesovsky: Karl Marx and Soviet National Income Theory. J. Sheahan: Problems and Possibilities of Industrial Price Control Postwar French Experience. E. Ames: Research, Invention, Development and Innovation. S. T. Beza & G. Patterson: Foreign Exchange Guarantees and the Dollar. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (Published by the American Society of International Law), Washington, Vol. 55, No. 2, April 1961. —■ H. Silving: In Re Eichmann A Dillema of Law and Morality. R. Young: Sedentary Fisheries and the Convention on the Continental Shelf. H. S. Levie: Prisoners of War and the Protecting Power. K. P. Misra: India’s Policy of Recognition of States and Governments. С. T. Oliver: American Law Institute’s Draft Restatement of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States. R. R. Wilson: International Law and Some Recent Developments in the Commonwealth. No. 3, July 1961. L. B. Sohn and R. R. Baxter: Responsibility of States for Injuries to the Economic Interest of Aliens. M. Domke: Foreign Nationalizations. —■ G. A. Christenson: United States-Rumanian Claims Settlement Agreement of March 30, 1960 W. W. Bishop: Edwin D. Dickinson (18871961). В. M. Clagett: Survey of Agreements Providing for Third-Party Resolution of International Water Disputes. AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW (Official Journal of the American Sociological Assotiation), New York, Vol. 26, No. 1, February 1961. A. B. Hollingshead: Some Issues in the Epidemiology of Schizophrenia. M. Melbin: Organization Practice and Individual Behavior Absenteeism Among Psychiatric Aides. Th. R. Anderson & S. Warkov: Organizational Size and Functional Complexity A Study of Administration in Hospitals. R. L. Coser: Insulation From Observability and Types of Social Conformity. M. E. W. Goss: Influence and Authority Among Physicians in an Outpatient Clinic. D. Mechanik & E. H. Volkart: Stress, Illness Behavior, and the Sick Role. H. E. Freeman: Attitudes Toward Mental Illness Among Relatives of Former Patients. M. Seeman & J. W. Evans: Stratification and Hospital Care. L. R. Dean: The Pattermn Variables Some Empirical Operations. M. W. Weil: An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Married Women’s Actual or Planned Work Participation. —• N. S. Hayner : Characteristics of Five Offender Types. No. 2, April 1961. D. H. Wrong: The Oversocialized Conception of Man in Modern Sociology. W. Caudill: Around the Clock Patient Care in Japanese Psychiatric Hospitals. J. A. Davis, J. L. Spaeth & C. Huson: