Анали Правног факултета у Београду



A Technique for Analysing the Effects of Group Composition. ■— R. Kastenbaum: On the Investigation of Cruelty, Dignity, and Determinism. G. Nettler: In Defense of „ Cruelty, Dignity, and Determinism”. D. M. Heer: The Marital Status of Second-Generation Americans. S. A. Richardson, N. Goodman, A. H. Hastorf, & S. M. Dornbusch: Cultural Uniformity in Reaction to Physical Disabilities. H. Yuan Tien: The Social Mobility /Fertility Hypothesis Reconsidered An Empirical Study. E. Litwak: Voluntary Associations and Neighborhood Cohesion. ■ — H. Ch. Cooper: Perception of Subgroup Power and Intensity of Affiliation With a Large Organization. No. 3, June 1961. J. W. Getzels & Ph. W. Jackson: Family Environment and Cognitive Style A Study of the Sources of Highly Intelligent and of Highly Creative Adolescents. Ch. E. Bidwell: The Young Proffessional in the Army. W. A. Gamson: A Theory of Coalition Formation. R. J. Murphy & R. T. Morris: Occupational Situs, Subjective Class Identification, and Poltical Affiliation. Th. R. Anderson & J. A. Egeland: Spatial Aspects of Social Area Analysis. Ch. T. Jonassen: Functional Unities in EightyEight Community Systems. L. F. Schnore: Social Mobility in Demographic Perspective. ■ —■ J. B. Knox: Absenteeism and Turnover in an Argentine Factory. -Z. S. Blau: Structural Contraints on Friendships in Old Age. ■ W. V. D’Antonio, W. H. Form, Ch. P. Loomis & E. C. Erickson: Institutional and Occupational Representations in Eleven Community Influence Systems. R. W. Janes: A Note on Phases of the Community Role of the Participiant Observer. THE ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE, Philadelphia, Vol. 335, May 1961. Чланци у овом броју истину ese већу потребу леђународног васпитања омладине (страни студента у САД и другим земљама). Vol. 336, July 1961. Тела овоог броја je „Is International Communism Winning?” G. V. Allen: Are the Soviets Winning the Propaganda War? C. B. Randall: Soviet-American Economic Competition in Uncommitted Countries. H. S. Reuss: The United States Foreign Aid Program. A. J. Toynbee: Communism and the West in Asian Countries. —■ Z. K. Brzenski: Political Developments in the Sino-Soviet Bloc. Lord Lindsay of Birker: Is Cleavage Between Russia and China Inevitable? L. Saltonstall: Western Military Strength and Security. M. Nikezič: Why Uncommitted Countries Hold That They Are Not „Neutral”. E. M. Debrach: Will Most Uncommitted Countries Remain Uncommitted? J. A. Mora: Will Latin America Continue to Adhere to the West? C. M. Eichelberger: The Role of the United Nations in the East-West Dispute. F. O. Wilcox: The United States and the United Nations. A. J. Hotz: The United Nations Since 1945. P. W. Walter: Will the Political Scientist Fill the Void? Q. Wright: Western Diplomacy Since 1945. G. Clark: World Order The Need for a Bold New Approach. L’ANNÉE POLITIQUE ET ÉCONOMIQUE. Paris, 34e année, No. 161, Mai 1961. B. Lavergne: Les principales opositions Est-Ouest. La vocation de la France. E. N. Dzelepy: Qui est le général Heusinger? B. Lavergne: Les pays du Tiers-Monde sont socialistes et non soviétiques. No. 162, Juillet 1961. B, Lavergne: Une explication du notre temps par une comparaison avec les temps passés. S. Rusch: Visées et manoeuvres de la politique de Bonn. J. Caulais: L’Allemagne sans Allemands. G. Fraser: L’évolution en Afrique Occidentale. B. Lavergne: Le discours de Khrouchtchev et le problème allemand. Le voyage à Paris du Président de la République Fédérale. ARCHIV FÜR DIE CIVILISTISCHE PRAXIS, Tübingen, 160. Bd., I. H., Mai 1961. Bodenheimer: Präjudizienverwertung und Gesetzesauslegung im amerikanischen Recht. Schütz: Widerruf bei Zahlungen und Überweisungen. Einmahl: Die Ausübung der Verwaltungsrechte des Gesell-