Анали Правног факултета у Београду



В заключительном анализе указанных проблем, автор подчеркнул характер начала делегации, в современных условиях долженствующей подтвердить жизненность начала, „соединяющего в себе выборы и волеизъявление”. SUMMARY Probleins of contemporary constitutional regulation of electoral system and delegatory system. In this study, the author starts his anahsis from importance and role of elections, which owing to the position and character of assembles in the political and constitutional system in Jugoslavia, have today special place and role in application of principles of the new Constitution, brought about in the beginning of 1974. New »delegatory« elections represent not only an innovation in theory and practice of constitutional law, but also a form of overcoming of the classical model of »representative« electoral system. For these reasons, the author tried, having present the role of elections and of electoral system in their totality within comparative constitutional and political systems, to indicate general theorical, historical and practical problems. At the same time, he endeavoured to give a short survay of the historical evolution of single institutions and principles. He especially, strassed elements which indicate that oldest forms of electoral system represented an integral part of the political system, and also that electoral procedure represented, in fact, a part of the process of decision. Evolution of electoral system in the modem era, especially of Überai democratic middle class systems, came into contradictions with demands for participation of working classes in bringing political decisions. Marx pointed that out, and gave an anticipation of a new »model« of elections, based on the priciple of »communal delegations« and social self government. October revolution in Russia affirmed this principle in practice. Development of social nad constitutional system of Jugoslavia based on self goverment, took this position and asked for the application of these principles, these elements can be found in constitutional practice itself (constitutional acts from 1953. and from 1963.). Contemporary constitution from 1974. introduced delegatory system of elections. In the work, a short analisis is given of constitutional and of corresponding juridical principles and ordinances about the character and the technics of the »new« elections. Giving a final analisis of stated problems, author stressed the character of principle of delegation which in contemporary conditions should show its consistency of a principle which »unites elections and decidion«. RÉSUMÉ Les problèmes de l’organisation contemporane du système électoral et le systàme de délégation Dans cette étude l’auteur a exposé en premier lieu l'importance et le rôle des élections qui, eu égard à la position et au caractère des assemblées dans le système politique et constitutionnel de la Yougoslavie, pnd aujourd' hui une place et un rôle particuliers dans l’application des principes de la nouvelle Constitution, promulguée au début de l’année 1974. Les nouvelles élections »de délégation« représentent non seulement une nouveauté dans la théorie et dans la pratique du droit constitutionnel, mais aussi une forme de dépassement du modèle classique du système électoral