Анали Правног факултета у Београду



Особое внимание посвящается проблемам кадров и обучения для работы в юридической информационной системе. Автор высказывается за постепенную обработку отдельных областей права и является сторонником осторожности и постепенности в создании системы, полностью использывая мировой опыт.

SUMMARY Modem Legal Information Systems One of the basic characteristics in the development of the contemporary society is the rapid growth of the number of information. This growth of information and the increase of their compexity is particularly expressed in the field of law. That has been the reason for slowing down of a number of activities: the process of legal proceedings, making of administrative documents and harder access to the legal literature. To solve these new problems it would be necessary either to employ larger number of people to work on them or to introduce new methods and techniques for searching the relevant legal information. These are contemporary legal information systems defined as particular king of information systems with automatic data treatment through computers serving for collection, analysis, systematization, storing, locating and diffusion of information in the legal field. Relevant information usually consist of: all regulations in a certain field, judicial practice and legal literature. The particular features of the legal information systems lay in the fact that they change more often in they structure, quantity and contents than other information systems. The development of contemporary legal information system has its impacts on the process of the legal systematization, provision of its clearness and reduction of the possibilities for making or maintaining unconstitutional or unlawfull regulations, while the mutual connections among the previously distant fields of law become more visible. In the socialist conditions, the law becomes more democratic as more people, through the organized consulting centers, have the possibility to use the law. The work on the creation of the îegal information system starts with the projecting phase which develops into the main project phase where the following questions are to be solved; the size of collection of legal information, the manner of organization of the work on the creation of legal information system, its purpose, designation of the user and manner of use. The question of choice between the »full text« method or the list of descriptions is discussed, as well as the projecting of subsystems, methods and means for the selection of information etc. Particular attention is payed to the problem of personnel and instruction for the use of legal information system. The author pledges a gradual inclusion of certain legal fields and proposes a caution and successivity in development, together with the full use of world experiences.

RÉSUMÉ Les systèmes d’informations juridiques contemporains Une des principales caractéristiques du développement de la société contemporaine est l’accroissement rapide du nombre des informations. Cet accroissement du nombre des informations et l’augmentation de leur complexité se reflètent dans le domaine du droit. Cela a pour conséquence le ralentissement relatif d’une série d’activités: des processus de jugements.