Битеф, 01. 01. 1968., стр. 5
Drug! Bitef kao i Prvi Bilef prošle godine posvećen je novim pozorišnim tendeneijama. Festival nema gotovo formulu novih pozorišnih tendeneija pod koju ieli da podvede sve učesnike feslivala. Na početku svake sezone u Beogradu treba da se okupe pozorišta koja tragaju za novim formama i sadržajima. Jednom ta traganja mogu da izgledaju ekstremna, a drug! put bice potrebno tananije oko da otkrije novo u prividno tradicionalnoj form! neke predslave koja na tihi način pripada umetnosti buduenosti. Bitef ima olvorena vrata za pozorišta svih zemalja. Učešće na Bitefu, medutim, nije reprezentativno. Svaka trupa predstavlja pre svega sebe i svoje shvatanje umetnosti. Ipak Bitef vodi računa da sc svake godine pojave trupe iz najrazličitijih zemalja. Take ove godine prvi put učestvuju pozorišta iz Sovjetskog Saveza, Savezno Republike Nemačke, Nemaeke Demokratske Republike i Švedske. Bitef omogućuje svakoj nagradenoj trupi da uzme učešće na narednoj smotri. Take ove godine ponovo učestvuju Divadlo xa branou iz Cehoslovačke, a takode nagradeni. Teatar Laboralorium iz Vroclava i Teatrul de comedie iz Bukurešla so zadržali pravo da učestvuju na 111 Bitefu 1969. godine. Bitef pored dramskih predstava ima namero da svake godine prikaže svojoj public! one scenske umetnosti koje različitim putevima utiču na moderno pozorište. Prošle godine jedno veče bilo je posvećeno umetnosti dre v n e igre katakalija. Ovo sezone Bilef upoznaje svoje gledaoce sa omelnošćo moderne igre, koja vizionarskom koreografijom Alwina Nikolaisa (SAD) i Birgit Cullberg (Švedska) teži umetnosti »tolalnog teatra«. Bilef ne želi da bode mesto na kome će se samo nizali predstave. Za vreme Bitefa publika će imati priliku da u dijalozima sa stvaraocima sretne sa tvorcima predstava, da prisustvuje razgovorima Okroglog stola, a o Galeriji 212 vidi najnovije tendeneije u likovnoj umetnosti i eksperimentalnom filmu.
The Second BITEF like the First, held last year is dedicated to new theatrical tendencies. The festival does not possess ready forms for new theatrical tendencies under which it would lead all participants. At the beginning of each season, theatres which search for new forms and contents should meet in Belgrade. Sometimes these searches may appear extreme and rebellious; other times it will take a sophisticated eye to reveal the new in what appears to be a traditional form, in a performance which in its own quiet way belongs to the art of the future. The doors of BITEF are open to the theatres of all the world. However, participants at BITEF are by no means representative. Each group primarily represents itself and its own conception of art. Nevertheless, BITEF takes care that groups from the most various countries should take part in the festival every year. Thus, this year, theatres from the Soviet Union, the Federal German Republic, the German Democratic Republic and Sweden will attend the festival for the first time. BITEF enables every group which has won an award to take part in the festival the following year. Thus this year Divadlo za Branou from Czechoslovakia is participating, while Teatr Laboratorium of Vroclaw and Teatrul de Comedie of Bucharest, which also won awards, retain their right to participate in the Third BITEF, in 1969. BITEF wishes to present every year in adition to dramatic performances the art genres which in our days influence the theatre. Besides dedicating an evening to the ancient art of the dance by inviting the Kathakali theatre of India, this season BITEF introduces to its public the art of the modern dance in the choreography of Alwin Nikolais of the USA and Birgit Cullberg of Sweden, whose art exceeds the framework of the conventional ballet, and constitutes a contribution to the search for the total theatre. BITEF does not wish to be a place at which only performances take place. During the BITEF fenstival the public will have the opportunity to meet the creators of the performances, through dialogues, and to attend discussions at the round table, while in the Gallery 212 the public will be able to see the latest tendencies in painting and experimental films.