Битеф, 10. 09. 1984., стр. 19
At the moment, Jan Fahre is working on his new theatre project The power of theatrical madness, which will require more performers than his previous projects. Twenty young actors, dancers and singers have been brought together. During five month Jan Fabre will be working with them intensively. Starting from basic ideas Fabre combines private experiences, emotions, art history and theatre tradition. In four languages, important facts from recent theatre history and excerpts from famous operas will be recited during the performance; Be silent and dance! Come here to me, all of you! Close your ranks! I bear the burden of joy, and lead you in the dance. For people as happy as we are, one thing is only ment; te be silent and dance! To shut up and dance; The power of theatrical madness can not be stated more clearly. At first glance predictable, the ethical rebellion of Jan Fabre has something uncommonly intense and mischivous. For that matter, his way of working is characterized by an unequaled sense for perfection and discipline. Therefore, the obsessions of Jan Fabre seem real,..
ju. U predstavi se govori na četiri jezika, značajne činjenice iz novije istorije pozorišta i odlomci iz čuvenih opera: Cutite i plešite! Dođite ovamo, svi vi! Sabijte redove! Ja nosim teret radosti, i vodim vas u ples. Ljudi sretni kao mi treba da čine samo jedno: da ćute i plešu! Ćutati i igrati: Moćpozorišnih ludosti teško da bi mogla da se izrazi jasnije. Na prvi pogled predvidljiva, etička pobuna Jana Fabrea ima u sebi nečeg neobično intenzivnog i vragolastog. U torn pogledu, njegov način rada karakteriše jedinstveni smisao za perfekciju i disciplinu. Zato opsesije Jana Fabrea deluju stvame.. .□
The Power of Theatrical Madness Since his theatre project of eight
hours duration, This is theatre like it was to be expected and foreseen, the work of Jan Fabre is widely known and has acquired much appreciation. Internationaly, he presented this project at several theatre festivals. The most important were: Kaaitheater (Brussels), ICA (London) and the Festival d’ Automne (Paris). Performances were also given in Amsterdam, Polverigi, Copenhagen and New York. With This is theatre... Jan Fabre, for the first time, caught the attention of a large audience. His first theatre project Theatre written with a “K" is a Tomcat which was performed in Antwerp, Amsterdam and Milwaukee gave the first impuls to this breakthrough. Jan Fabre has always been an prolific artist and besides his theatre projects he has been involved with numerous exhibitions and soloperformances internationaly. Recently, he exhibited his Bic ballpoint drawings in the Provincial Museum in Hasselt. In addition to his new theatre project he will exhibit drawings at the Biënnale of Venice (June ’B4), in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Gent (April ’B5) and in the Museum of Modern Art in Oslo (Jan ’B5)
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