
koga progone optužbama o nepoznatom zločina. Zabavna predstava, mnogo bržeg ritma od гоmana, otkriva Habima kao izuzetno obdarenu trupu. Taj utisak je potvrđen tokom susreta za okruglim stolom, kad su glumci pomenuli da su samo tri i po nedelje probali sa Berkoffom pre premijere u Tel Avivu. Zemlja nam je mlada i još nismo stvorili neki poseban stil pa glumac mora da se prilagodava mnogim načinima glume, rekao je Ohad Shachar koji je igrao Jozefa K. U našoj su trupi (45 članova) ljudi iz celog sveta i često radimo sa stranim rediteljima. Glumac mora biti prijemčiv. Za raliku od situacije u Kanadi, gde vodeća pozorišta 'u poslednje vreme tvrde da növi komadi ne spadaju u njihov delokrug, Habimahje, prema rečima glumice Adi Lev, verna živim izraelskim piscima. Cesto ćitamo nőve tekstove i dajemo svoje napomene dok pisać radi na- komadu. Habima dobija od države 40% svog budžeta i ima 30.000 abonenata. Pozorište obuhvata tri pozornice, uključujući malu eksperimentalnu scenu na kojoj se izvode novi komadi i obučavaju reditelji. Delovi trupę stalno gostuju po Izraelu i često se sreću sa gledaocima u školama ili na poslu popodne da bi im uveče izveli predstavu.. . Ako je ova predstava tipična, danaśnji ansambl dobro čuva tradiciju pozorišta, Dvanaestočlana ekipa je dobro uigrana i poseduje mladost, iskustvo i fascinantnu lepezu zanimljivih lica. □ Gazette, Marianne Ackerman

The Trial 1. Reflections on the condition of man. 1. Alt One Scene 1: The Doorkeeper. K. Is at the street corner, waiting to enter, but the door keeper will not let him in. K. is arrested. 3. Scene 2 Joseph K. tells about his work at the bank, he is an honest clerk and there is no possible reason for his arrest. 4. Scene 3: The City and the Freedom. The city is waking up, two court wardens enter K's apartment to

conduct a search. K. is confused by the events. He decides to wait passively and see what happens. 5. Scene 4: The Inspector, K. is let to the Inspector, he does not understand the cause of his arrest or the nature of the charges against him. He only understands that this is an open arrest. 6. Scene 5: Street on the Way to Work. On his way to work K. is deep in thought and notices friends passing by. 7. Scene 6: The Bank. K. arrives at the bank where he works. Today is his birthday. His colleagues cooly wished him happy returns. A telephone rings: K. is summoned to court for questioning. 8. Scene 7: Mrs. Grobach. К, leaves the bank, but instead of going to a striptease club, he goes back to his apartment. He drops by his landlady's to apologize for the distrubance of the morning. As it turns out, she knows about his arrest, but she, too, is unaware of the cause. She warns K. against any contacts with Miss Burstner, the peculiar woman next door. 9. Scene 8: Miss Burstner. At night. K. visits Miss Burstner, who is just in from her work at the cabaret. She greets him indifferently. Since she is about to start work in a lawyer's office K. asks for her help with his trial. He tells her his version of the morning’s events. The neighbors begin to wake up and Miss Burstner throws him out of her room. 10. Scene 9: Night. K. upset by his ecounter with Miss Burstner and by the events of the day, goes to sleep. 11. Scene 10: The Trip. K. wakes up panicked, remembering the summons for questioning. On the subway train, he meets colleagues from the bank with whom he talks about the investigation. 12. Scene 11; The Street. K. looks for the courthouse. He sees a number of street scenes: women on their way to shop, a street vendor, an organ payer. He goes on looking untill he reaches the correct address, but once there, he does not know whom to approach. He goes from room to room, obviously looking for someone, and steals a peak in each room. 13. Scene 12; The' Laundress. In the course of his quest, K, finds the court laundress, a warden's wife. She tries to seduce him and tells him that all the judges ever do is read pornographic books.

She offers to speak on his behalf to the investigation judge, who is one of her lovers, and shares her with a student who regularly visits the court house. 14. Scene 13: The Court Warden. K. meets the laundress' husband who is a court warden and is looking for his wife. They always send him on various errands so that the judge and the student can have a good time with his wife, and he is thinking of a revenge. Unable to find one, he asks for K's help, stating that K. is under arrest and anyway he has nothing to lose. The husband tells K. that he has already been sentenced. K. and the husband are on their way to the courtroom. 15. Scene 14: The Court Corridors. Walking along the corridors, K, sees many people waiting for their turn. He tries to escape from the labyrinth and begins to feel quilty, but of what? Act two 16. Scene 1: Counselor Hold. K. comes to counselor Hold, Lenny, his secretary, does not let him enter the office. K. .meets Hold and his assistants. The attorney is willing to take on the case although K. does not kno hat the charges against him are. Hold promises to prepare the case for the defence, since his connections make him the only person capable of defending K. 17. Scene 2: Lenny. Lenny, Hold’s secretary, tries to seduce K., promising to help him with his case. K. is surprised at his success with women. The encounter is cut short by Hold's call to Lenny. Hold's assistants ridicule K. for meeting ith Lenny, horn they regard as a cheap tease. They say the relationship is detrimental to his case. K. tells them of his vision of the judge sitting on the bench, wearing the robe of justice. 18. Scene 3; The Bank. K. sits in the bank, pondering whether to trust Hold with his case. Confused by his thoughts, he turns to Hold, who reassures him that his case is progressing satisfactory. 19. Scene 4: Block. In Hold's home, K. meets Block, a grain dealer, and a client of Hold’s. Like K., Block is unaware of the charges against him. All his money and time have gone into his trial. Because he is suspicious of Hold he hires other attorneys and spends his days and nights at the court house, hoping to retain better attorneys. K. informs Block of his intention to dismiss Hold.

20. Scene 5: Hold. К. Dismisses Hold, and irate Hold shows how other prisoners are treated and humiliates Block, forcing him to act like a dog, 21. Scene 6: The Bank. In an attempt to help К The bank manager sends him to titurelli, the court painter, who can help him. K. is upset because he feels the meeting with Titurelli is an attempt tu ease him out of his job at the bank. 22. Scene 7: Titurelli. After showing K. his paintings and offering to paint his portrait, Titurelli comes up with three possibilities, full acquittal, temporary acquittal, and defernal until further notice. As yet, no one has been acquitted. K. asks for defernal until further notice, hich Titurelli promises to arrange in order to get more time. K. refuses Titurelli's help. 23. Scene 8: The Bank. The bank manager asks K. to sho the cathedral to a customer. K. having no choice goes along feeling more that they are trying ot get rid of him. 24. Scene 9: The Cathedral. K, enters the dark cathedral. There is nobody inside, not even the customer. K. hesitates between going back to the bak of staying in the cathedral. The priest appears and stops K. The priest tells him that the sentenle will not come very quickly because his case requires time. К asks the priest to help him gei out of the dark cathedral. K. starts to walk along endless corridors, trying to remain calm. The noose is tightening around his neck. To no avail, K. tries to plead his innocence, to meet the judge and to hear the charges against him. There is no one to help him. □