
WIM VANDEKEYBUS & ULTIMA VEZ Wim Vandekeybus je reditelj, koreograf, glumac, fotograf. Ultima Vez, sastavljenu od tuceta mladih umetnika i glumaca i nekoliko umetničkih, stručnih i administrativnih saradnika, formiraoje posle dve godine provedene sa Janom Fabreom. Nastavioje da istražuje 1985. i 1986. godine u nizu radionica u Evropi, uz istovremenu pripremu svoje prve predstave What the Body Does Not Remember (1987), kojaje übrzo prikazana na medjunarodnoj sceni. Ova predstavaje dobila njujoršku nagradu Bessie (1 988) godine za “brutalno sučeljenje igre i muzike: opasan, ratoborni pejzaž predstave.” Tokom boravka u Nacionalnom centru za savremeni pies u Anžeru uradioje Les porteuses de mauvaise nouvelles (1988), nastavio sa medjunarodnim gostovanjima i sa Thierry De Meyom radio na The Weight of the Hand, javnom sučeljavanju glumaca i muzičara (Pariz, 1 990). Iste godine dobio je po drugi put nagradu Bessie za Les porteuses de mauvaises nouvelles. U isto to vreme Walter Verdin, Octavio Iturbe i Wim Vandekeybus režirali su Roseland, video koji Vandekeybusova koreografska ostvarenja smešta u propali briselski bioskop. Ovo délo dobilo je Dance Screen Award 1991 (Frankfurt) I Prague d'Or. Novo delo, Immer das Selbe gelogen (Salcburg, 1991) jeste osećajan portret 89-godišnjeg Caria Veranoa i prijateljstva s njim. Ono označava početak Vandekeybusovog interesovanja za film, koje dovodi do video-filma La Mentira radjenog po Immer das Selbe gelogen. Od 1 993. godine počinje stalna saradnja trupe sa Kraljevskim flamanskim pozorištem u Briselu. Tu prvi put izvodi Mountains Made of Barking (1 994), na osnovu jednog filma snimljenog u Maroku i kratkih priča Paula Bowlesa i Milorada Pavića. Naredne, 1995. godine, u Briselu radi prvo delo na nemačkom Alle Crossen decken sich zu na osnovu života i reči preminulog prijatelja Carla Veranoa. Bereft of a Blissful Union (1 995), sa dvanaest igrača i dvanaest muzičara, uključivalo je filmske i glumačke sekvence. Uz gostovanja, 1 996. godine Vandekeybus je odlomke svojih predstava priredio za Batsheva Dance Company u Izraelu.

WIM VANDEKEYBUS & ULTIMA VEZ Wim Vandekeybus is director, choreographer, actor, photographer. After working for two years with Jan Fabre, he created his own working structure, Ultima Vez, a company of dozen young artists and actors, and several artistic, technical and administrative collaborators. In 1 985 and 1986, he continued his personal research by giving a series of workshops in Europe, while preparing his first performance What the Body Does Not Remember, created in 1 987, which soon being shown on international stages. In 1988, Wim Vandekeybus received the New York Bessie Award for this production, which was credited 'a brutal confrontation of dance and music: the dangerous, combative landscape of What the Body Does Not Remember. Meanwhile he presented three short works at The Mondays, a performance art series in Brussels. In 1 989, during a residency at the Centre National de Danse Contemporaine d'Angers, he created Les porteuses de mauvaises nouvelles, while at the same time continuing with international tours and working with Thierry De Mey on The Weight of a Hand , based on the choreographic material of the first two productions. The latter, an on-stage confrontation of actors and musicians, was premiered in Théâtre de la Ville in Paris in January 1 990. In September of that year Vandekeybus received his second Bessie Award, this time for Les porteuses de mavuaises nouvelles.