
Predstava Hazarski rečnik posvećena je Miri Trailović.

T. Pandur (foto V. P.)

UPUTSTVO ZA UPOTREBU Adam Ruhani - Ako bi se sastavili svi ljudski snovi, dobio bi se jedan ogroman čovek, jedno ljudsko biće veličine kontinenta. I to ne bi bio bilo koji čovek, nego Adam Ruhani, nebeski Adam, vodič kroz spiritualne lavirinte, Praadam, čovek i žena istovremeno, anđeoski predak čoveka 0 kojem govore 'imami. Od Adama preteče potiču čovečiji snovi, jer on je mislio na način na koji mi sanjamo. Bio je brz kao što smo mi brzi samo u snu, tačnije, nasi snovi su od njegove anđeoske brzine sazdani. I govorio je na isti način kao što mi govorimo u snu, bez sadašnjeg i prošlog vremena, samo u budućem. Otuda lovci na snove rone po tudim sanjama i počincima i iz njih izvlače deliće bića Adama preteče, slažu ih u celine, takozvane hazarske rečnike, s ciljem da sve te knjige zajedno sastavljene ovaplote na zemlji ogromno telo Adama Ruhanija. Akshany Yabir Ibn - Islamski đavo XVII veka, jednom zaronio glavu u


DICTIONARY OF THE KHAZARS The performance "Dictionary of the Khazars" is dedicated to Mira Trailović. Actors "When at night you fall asleep, you all turn into actors and step each time onto a different stage to play your part. And by day? By day, when you are awake, you learn your part. Sometimes, you do not leam it well and hide behind other actors, who for the moment know their lines and moves better than you do. May my eye behold you when you are well rehearsed, for no one is either wise or beautiful all seven days of the week." (Milorad Pavić, "Dictionary of the Khazars") Adam Ruhani - If all human dreams could be assembled together, they would form a huge man, a human being the size of a continent. This would not be just any man, it would be Adam Ruhani, the

Pandur.Theaters, Atelje 212, u koprodukciji sa Sava Centrom Mllorad Pavlć: Hazarskl rečnlk Dictionary of the Khazars directed by Tomaž Pandur