
iavor vode s listom lovora da se umije, a Izronio giavu iz lavaboa u carigradskom hotelu Kingston. Kao Yabir ibn Akshany ukazuje se lovcu na snove Jusufu Masudiju. Ranije Ibn Abu Haderash (vldi Haderash), kasnije gospodin Van der Spaak (vidi Spaak, Van der, gospodin). Ateh princeza - U IX veku supruga, kćerka ili sestra, a možda i sve to zajedno vladara hazarske države Kagana. Neobična, čas neverovatno lepa, onda opet čudno različita od ostalih. Nosi hazarsko lice, osobinu svih Hazara, da svakoga dana osvanu kao neko drugi, pod sasvim novim i nepoznatim licima, koja je teško prepoznati i koja se teško pamte. Njeno ime se tumači kao naziv za četiri stanja svesti kod Hazara. Ona je na čelu mistične hazarske sekte sveštenika zvanih Lovci na snove, koji mogu putovati kroz snove u dubinu vremena i prostora, prenositi kroz snove poruke, predmete i dogadaje vekovima u prošlost ili budućnost. Oni ulaze u tube snove i utiču na sudbinu sanjanih, Ateh je slavna pesnikinja koja piše pesme mističko-

heavenly Adam, guide through the spiritual labyrinth, pre-Adam, both man and woman at the same time, man's angel ancestor, of whom the imams speak. The dreams of men are that part of human nature which goes back to this Adam-the-Precursor, because he thought the way we dream. He was as swift as we can be only in our dreams; our dreams are woven out of his angelic speed. And he spoke the way we speak in our dreams, without the present or the past tense, only the future. Hence, dream hunters plunge into other people's dreams and sleep and from them extract little pieces of Adam-the-Precursor's being, composing them into a whole, into so-called Khazar dictionaries, with the aim of having all these assembled books incarnate on earth the enormous body of Adam Ruhani. Akshany Yabir Ibn - A seventeenth century Islamic devil. He tossed a laurel leaf in a pail of water and dipped in his head to wash. When he lifted his head from the water, he was in Istanbul's Kingston Hotel in the 21st century. He shows himself to the