
world wars. The play is based on an actual event the writer had heard of. It deals with the motif of murder of one's closest relations for money, which makes it very close to the Antic tragedies. What is particularly interesting is that Albert Camus uses the exact same motif in his play Le Malentendu (Cross Purpose), written in 1940, while R. Krie wrote his piece in 1938. The play is a so-called bit drama with plenty of naive dialogues and a palette of characters and situations depicting the Macedonian essence at the time. According to the dramatic technique the plot is focused on the family unit restricting the number of characters to four (the father, mother, son, and daughter), and the

craftsman. His known plays are; Money Kills You, Antica, The Million Martyrs, etc. He is a laureate of the Republic of Macedonia's October 11 Award. FROM THE MACEDONIAN DAILY PRESS "A simple story of the power of money and human corruptibility, the author layers the polysemous, reveals his heroes' new astral worlds as they're approaching death, from the time before Christ to present day. Clean metrics, mathematically measured rhythm in which the play pulsates, clear signs of expression (the masks, the

role of the supporting cast and the all-around milieu is taken over by other characters (the musicians and the vocal soloist). The plot of the two segments streams in continuum and in parallel. The segments complement each other, but more so they are conflicted, whereas united they make the image of the play complete. The premiere was held in March of 2002, The play was pronounced the best in Macedonia for the year 2002, and it has won the best director/music/male role and costume prizes at the Vojdan Cernodrinski festival in Prilep. It was performed in several festivals in Macedonia and abroad, in Belgrade, Sarajevo, Nova Gorica, Gorizia (Italy), Istanbul, Ljubljana, and Moscow. It was pronounced the best play on the Slavija 2003 festival in Belgrade and the Slavic Crown festival in Moscow. Guest trips for Podgorica, Canada and Australia are in plan. Risto Krie, one of the most significant post-war Macedonian playwrights. The author of the first dramas on migrant labor and a

music, and set design) as well as the inspiring actors' explication of the characters' spiritual turbulence, create an exceptional piece for our theatre. Gjorgievski binds various styles and aesthetics with much tact and feeling, showing us that the "tough" Krle's story is no smaller than the conflicts Antic tragedies are based upon... Money Kills You by R. Krie, adapted and directed by Lj. Gjorgievski has the virtue of being extremely alive. The tragic in it pulsates with such force first and foremost because of the exclusiveness and studiousity of the director's technique. Thanks to him and his associates, this is a play you can't miss." Zvonko Milesevski, Utrinski Vesnik, 4.4.2002. Money Kills You directed by Lj. Gorgievski has, in its concept, three layers: the murderous search for money because of social ramifications, the power of money due to greed, and the third layer of loss of identity" Cvetanka Zojceva, Vest, 3.5.2002.