
"In keeping the essence of the original play: after 20 years of hard labor in a foreign country the son returns home and the parents, not recognising the son and greedy for his suitcase filled with gold pieces-kill him - Gorgievski sets the eternal topic that "money kills you" on a universal plain, whereas retaining the elements related to here and now, to us in the past and probably in the future as well" L. Mazova, Nova Makedonija, 3.21.2002. LJUPCO GJORGIEVSKI Born 1956 in Bitola. Graduated at Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, department of psychology (1980) and FDA, departmentdirection (1990). Since then he has been working as a Dramaturge -

director at Bitola National Theatre. So far he has directed about 35 plays by modern and classic, domestic and foreign authors through Macedonian theatres and as a guest-director he has worked in Russia and Bulgaria. He has received many avards and recognitions. " When I was a little boy, my grandmother used to tell me a story of a woman who had a dream, that in the basement of their house a great treasure is buried - all gold coins and that if she wanted them, the woman had to go alone in the basement at midnight and dig at the certain place, but before that she had to cut the thumb of her right hand and put it at the place where she would dig. Since that the woman had no piece. She thought it over and finally made a wooden thumb, exactly like bers and at midnight she went down to the basement. She put it at the place shown in the dream and started digging. After digging for awhile many gold coins are