BACACI SJENKI (SHADOW CASTERS) is a non-proflt international artistic and production platform dedicateti to interdisdplinary collaboration, creation and reflection withìn thefield of intermedia arts, especially in thè domain of its Implementation in urban spaces. It is situated in Zagreb. SC stimulate intercultural dialogue creating project platforms for active cultural exchange between Croatian and international artists and Professionals, at once questioning thè existing concepts of individuai and collective identity. SC, through its activities, encourages thè debate on thè nature and contradictions of thè on-going globalization process, dealing with those social, politicai and cultural issues that reveal thè "blind spots" and "hot potatoes"of a certain society. SC have produced, in thè course of thè 6 years of its existence, a number of projeets on locai and international level. The majority of these projeets, createti as performative time sculptures, examines thè relation of man and space through entirely different approaches: a specific study of world cities that takes on thè shape of poetic-detective urban travels (Shadow Casters); amalgamating and juxtaposing thè material space of thè performance and thè real time of actors with thè virtual space and thè delayed time of film (Process_City, partili: ProcessJn_Progress ); penetrating into thè microcosm of one Zagreb skyseraper and thè multi-facetted reveallng of its past, present and future ( Man is Space: Vitic Dances, intermedia project and full-length documentary film); travelling through thè material space of memory of a city nelghbourhood that turns into a unique travel through one's own memory, feelings and sub-conscioussness, thanks to thè special sensorial conditions of thè visitors [Process_City, pan II: Ex-position): creating a multimeda archive of urban events that become thè tool for studying thè hypertextuality of space (Re-collecting City/Re-collecting Time). SC projeets have thus gathered over 80 artists and Professionals from 16 countries worid-wide. The projeets have been produced and presented at festivals and manifestations in Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Bologna, Gratz, Pisa, Ljubljana, Udine, Bjelovar, Beigrade, Marseille, Leiden, Krizevci, Genoa and New York, in collaboration with locai partners (Urban Festival, Croatian Film Days, MI2 Institut, Small Front Festival and Eurokaz festival-Zagreb, BOK Festivai-Bjelovar, Undefeated City Festival-Krizevd, ARL and Karantena Festival-Dubrovnik /Croatia/; Exodos Festival and Modern Gallery-Ljubljana /Slovenia/; Festival Conttato-Udine, Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Villa Crocce-Genoa, Cinema Teatro LUX-Pisa, Fabbrica Europa-Florence, Stagione di Caccia festival and Orchestra Stolpnik-Bologna /italy/; CENPI and Rex Cultural Centre-Belgrade /Serbia/; Forum Stadtpark Cultural Centre-Gratz /Austria/; LFK&La FRICHE-Marseille/France/; Leiden University /The Netherlands/; The Kitchen, Dancing in The Streets and Columbia University-New