ON "EX-POS1TION" The performance Ex-position is thè second part of the trilogy Process_City by Boris Bakal and Shadow Casters, inspired by Franz Kafka's novel The Thal and its philosophical and politicai implications. While in Process_in_Progress, the third (and first tobe produced) part of the trilogy, the entire Kafka's novel was shaped into a VJ opera-performance, Ex-Position tackles on part of The Thal, thè parafale Legend ofthe Law. The first part of the trilogy, Respite from History, a meta(physical) comment on Kafka's work, is due in the fall of 2007: a travel on thè edge of collective and individual conscioussness, through thè realms of dream and death as the only safe refugesfrom history. Ex-Position was nominated for the 2006 Croatian Playhouse Award for best direction and labeled by most theatre critics as the event ofthe season and an important poetic moment in Croatian theatre.
O„EX-P0ZICIJI" Predstava Ex-pozidja je drugi deo trilogije Proces_grad Borisa Bakala i Bacaca Sjenki inspirisane romanom Proces Franca Kafke i njegovim filozofskim i poiitickim implikacijama, Dokje u trecem (a prvom po redu izvedenom) delu trilogije, Process_in_Progress, citav Kafkin román uoblicen kao VJ opera-performance, Ex-pozidja se bavi jednim segmentom Procesa, parabolom Legenda о Zakonu. Prvi deo trilogije, Odmorodpovjesti, priprema se za premijeru u jesen 2007. kao meta(fizicki) komentar Kafkinog dela: putovanje po rubu kolektivne i individualne svesti, kroz predele sna i smrti kao jedinih sigurnih utocista od istorije. Ex-pozidja je nominirana 2006. za Nagradu hrvatskog glumista za najbolju reziju, te proglasena od vedine kriticara za dogadaj sezone i vazan poeticki iskorak hrvatskog pozorista.