
- KAFE MILER/ CAFÉ MÜLLER Koreografija: Pina Bausch Piesači: Ansambl Tanzteater Wupertal Proizvodnja: Pina Bausch, Rudolf Rach, Nemačka Trajanje: 49’ DVD, 1985 KAFE MILER spada među najpoznatija delà Pine Baus. U napuštenom, melanholičnom kafeu protagonisti-ličnosti kao da su zaboravljene posle nekog događaja - oni ulaze i izlaze, spotiču se o stolove i stolice i najčešće plešu zatvorenih očiju. Roditelji Pine Baus imali su restoran, pa se pretpostavlja da bi neke od scena mogle biti maglovita sećanja iz detinjstva. Baus je koristila muziku Henrija Persela (Henry Purcell, 1659-1695), VUinsku kraijicu i Didonu i Eneja. „Skoro da je nevažno da li će delo publika shvatiti. Stvaramo jer verujemo u to što radimo. Tu smo da izazivamo, ne samo da udovoljavamo.“ Pina Baus

- CAFÉ MULLER Choreography: Pina Bausch Dancers: Tanzteater Wuppertal Production: Pina Bausch, Rudolf Rach, Germany Runtime: 49’ DVD, 1985 CAFÉ MULLER is one of the most famous works by Pina Bausch. The abandoned, melancholic café is frequented, entered and left by the protagonists - the characters seem to have been forgotten after an event - they trip over tables and chairs and usually dance with their eyes closed. Pina Bausch’s parents used to have a restaurant which is why it is supposed that some of the scenes could represent misty childhood memories. She used music by Henry Purcell (1659-1695), The Fairy-Queen and Dido and Aeneas. “It is almost unimportant whether a work finds an understanding audience. One has to do it because one believes that it is the right thing to do. We are not only here to please, we cannot help challenging the spectator.” Pina Bausch