
24. SEPTEMBAR, 17:30 - POTROŠENI Dokumentarni film Scenarista, režiser, producent: Borut Šeparović Protagonist!: 55+ Proizvodnja: Montažstroj, Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2014. Trajanje: 93’ DVD, kolor - BORUT ŠEPAROVIĆ (1967) diplomirao je filozofiju i komparativnu književnost u Zagrebu (postdiplomski na DasArtsu u Amsterdamu). Njegova umetnička biografija kao osnivača, umetničkog direktora i reditelja istovetna je s biografijom Montažstroja. Pod njegovim vodstvom od osnivanja 1989. Montažstroj je zaštitni znak drugačijeg teatra u Hrvatskoj i inostranstvu. Režirao je i vodio preko 50 projekata u Montažstroju i brojnim institucionalnim pozorištima. S Potrošenima ulazi i u audio-vizuelni medij u koji prenosi ideju društveno odgovorne umetnosti. Zanimaju ga angažovani teatar i umetnost. - POTROŠENI je film o važnim trenucima života. Protagonisti su osobe starije od 55 godina. Živeli su preko 30 miliona minuta; Ijudi čiji se najvažniji minut u životu već dogodio, a poslednji im se bliži. Film prati protagoniste od audicije do pozorišne predstave i filma. Svako govori onoliko sekundi koliko ima godina. Brutalno iskreno pričaju o životu i smrti, sreći i bolu i svemu ostalom. Jesu li njihovi životi potrošeni jer su najbolje godine ostale iza njih? Ili su potrošeni jer žive u društvu koje ih tretira kao teret? Suodli su se s godinama vlastitog ćutanja i preuzeli odgovornost za svet koji u ruševinama predaju mladima. Film je prikazan na ovogodišnjem (2015) Filmskom festivalu u Puli.

24 th SEPTEMBER, 17:30 -CONSUMED A documentary Script-writer, Directior, Producer: Borut Šeparović Protagonists: 55+ Production: Montažstroj, Zagreb, Croatia. 2014 Runtime: 93’ DVD, colour BORUT ŠEPAROVIĆ (1967) graduated in philosophy and comparative literature in Zagreb and took MA degree at DasArts in Amsterdam. His artistic biography of a founder, artistic director and director, runs alongside the history of Montažstroj. Led by him since its inception in 1989, Montažstroj is a symbol of a different theatre in Croatia and abroad. He has directed and led over 50 projects in Montažstroj and numerous institutional theatres. The film Consumed represents the beginning of his work in audio-visual media in which he brings the idea of social engaged art. He is interested in engaged theatre and art. CONSUMED is a film about life’s milestones. The protagonists are people older than 55. They have lived for over 30 million minutes: those are the people whose main minute in life has already passed and the last one is getting closer. The film follows the protagonists from the audition till the theatre performance and the film. Everyone talks for as many seconds as they are old. They are brutally open about life and death, happiness and pain, and everything else. Are their lives consumed just because their best years are behind them? Or are they consumed because they live in a society which treats them as a burden? They have faced the years of their own silence and took responsibility for the world in ruins which they are handing over to young generations. The film was screened at this year’s Pula Film Festival. Audience views after the performance 55+ at 47 th Bitef 13: “I don’t like the performance, I don’t understand the concept... It’s ok as an idea but it hasn’t been developed. I’m a bit sick of all the performances which tell us who wanted to be a part of them and who didn’t, or who couldn’t for whichever reason.” Audience "For me, whatever Montažstroj, i.e. Borut Šeparovič does is a small revelation. They never repeat themselves, they are always new and anarchistic. Great. I’m thrilled.” Igor Burić, critic