
„lutajući svetom i tražeći sreću, zašao na pogrešan put za koji nije znao kuda ga vodi...“ Naziv Putokazi je odabran jer ima značenje ispunjenja obaveza, ali skreće pažnju da postoji lažni sistem ciljeva, sistem lažnih putokaza. Podrška: Kreativna Evropa, ERASMUS +, Ministarstvo kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije - Desk kreativna Evropa TEATAR MIMART je nezavisno, alternativno pozorište, osnovano 1984. godine u Beogradu. Kroz sopstvenu metodu, istražuju kreativnost slobode pokreta fizičkog teatra i neverbalnu komunikaciju koja prevazilazi sve barijere: jezičke, političke, kulturne, religijske, geografske. Do 2015. godine, Mimart je producirao pedeset šest predstava i preko četiri stotine eksperimentalnih, multimedijalnih, interaktivnih projekata, uličnih performansa i art aktivističkih akcija.

he took a wrong path and did not know where it would take him...” The Road Signs is a title chosen because it means the fulfillment of obligations and also draws the attention to the fact that there is a false system of goes, a system of false road signs. Support: Creative Europe- ERASMUS + , Ministry of Culture and information of the Republic of Serbia, Creative Europe Desk TEATAR MIMART is independent, alternative theatre established in Belgrade 1984. Trough their specific method, Mimart is investigating the creativity in the freedom of movement of the physical theatre, and the non-verbal communication which crosses all the barriers: linguistic, political, cultural, religious, geographical. By 2015, Mimart produced 56 performances and over 400 experimental, multimedia and interactive projects, street performances and art activist actions.