
X SHOWCASE OF BELGRADE THEATRES This program was designed in order to take advantage of a unique opportunity, residence of around 100 critics from 40 countries worldwide in Belgrade, and to present them a selection of Belgrade productions which are not part of the Bitef main program. These shows don't necessarily conceptually align with the Bitef's “new tendencies”, but do reach the highest artistic standards. Due to the fact that the main and side programs are already overload, showcase could only contain a certain number of productions. Still, Bitef artistic team has tried to make this selection representative in several ways: to introduce shows with important references and to include different genres/forms present in Belgrade’s theatre life (drama theatre, contemporary dance, theatre for children and youth). We would be very happy if this program completes its mission: the contribution to media visibility and professional evaluation of theatre in Belgrade on, indeed, widest international scale - the visibility which it, we think, didn't have a chance to achieve in the past.

X SHOWCASE BEOGRADSKIH POZORIŠTA Ovaj program osmišljen je zato da bi se iskoristila jedinstvena prilika, boravak oko stotinu kritičara iz četrdesetak zemalja sveta, te da im se prikaže izbor beogradskih predstava koje nisu u glavnom programu Bltefa, To su predstave koje koncepcijski ne moraju nužno da odgovaraju Bitefovim „novim tendencijama", ali koje ostvaruju najviše umetničke standarde. Pošto je glavni program, kao i prateći, već veoma gust, showcase nije mogao da sadrži ved broj predstava. Ipak, umetnički tim Bitefa trudio se da ovaj izbor bude višestruko reprezentativan: da obuhvati predstave sa bitnim referencama i da sadrži razlidte pojave/žanrove zastupljene u beogradskom pozorišnom životu: dramsko pozorište, savremeni pies, pozorište za decu i mlade, Radovaćemo se ako ovaj program bude izvršio svoju misiju i doprineo - u najširim medunarodnim razmerama - medijskoj vidljivosti i stručnoj proceni beogradskog teatra. Gni nam se da takvu vidljivost dosad nije imao priliku da ostvari.