
pokojnog velikog afričkog romanopisca Činua Ačebea (Chinua Achebey), svoje premijere imali su i novi komadi Femija Osofisana, The Discombobulation of a Rookie Patriot i Arrow of God, The Wound of Man (adaptacije romana Činua Ačebea A Man of the People i Arrow of God). Posle odlaska u penziju sa Univerziteta u Ibadanu, profesor Osofisan je nastavio da pise, a bio je i gost-reditelj svojih komada i predavao je na univerzitetima i u profesionalnim pozorištima širom sveta, uključujući Kanadu, Nemačku, a u poslednje vreme i Kinu (Pekinški univerzitet). Nedavno je napisao: „Pišem za multikuituralne gledaoce, kako u Nigeriji, tako i kada radim u inostranstvu. Tražim alternativni put koji nije ni zapadni ni afrički, ni beo ni cm, ni multirasni, već komad koji se prosto bavi mnogim rasama." Nigerijski i kanadski centri kandidovali su Osofisana smatrajući da on sasvim sigurno zaslužuje da bude prvi dobitnik nagrade Talija iz Afrike. Svojim komadima i svojim kritikama, kao i svojom umetnošću, novinarskim poslom i ogromnim naučnim radom, Osofisan se iskazao kao pravi predvodnik afričkog pozorišta i drame.

Osofisan je doprineo da mnogi Afrikanci danas drugačije doživljavaju vlastito pozorište i kulturu, a uticao je i da se promeni pogled na Afriku i afričko pozorište u drugim delovima sveta. Red su njegovo oružje protiv tiranija svake vrste. Upoznati dtav svet s njegovim imenom dodeljivanjem nagrade Talija nije samo ispravno već je i pravi nadn da se njegovo ime pridoda istaknutim imenima njegovih prethodnika. Bravo, Femi Osofisan! Dobro došao medu laureate nagrade Talija. Don Rubin Bivši predsednik, Kanadski centar lATC Ceremonija dodele nagrade održaće se 27. septembra, 15:30h. U ceremoniji učestvuju: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Erika Fischer Lichte, Margareta Sorensen i Femi Osofisan.

Since his retirement from the University of Ibadan, Prof. Osofisan has continued to write, guest-direct his own plays and teach at universities and professional theatres around the world including Canada, Germany and, most recently in China (Peking University). Fie recently wrote: 'I am writing for multi-cultural audiences, both in Nigeria and when I work abroad. I am looking for a third way that is neither western nor African, neither white nor black, not multi-racial but a play that simply deals with many races.’ The Nigerian and Canadian Centres put forward Osofisan’s nomination in the belief that he is immensely deserving of being the first recipient from Africa of the IATC’s Thalia Prize, Fie has led African theatre and drama through both his playwriting and his criticism, through his art, his journalism and his immense scholarship. Fie has changed the way many Africans now perceive their own theatre and culture and he has changed the way many people in other parts of the world now perceive Africa and African theatre. Words have been his weapon against tyrannies of all sorts. Bringing his name to the

whole world through the Thalia is not only appropriate but also a fitting addition to the distinguished names who have preceded him. Bravo Femi Osofisan! We welcome you to the ranks of Thalia laureates. Don Rubin Former President, Canadian Centre of the lATC Award Ceremony will take place on September 27 th , 3:30 PM, at the residency of the Ambasador of Germany. The ceremony will be conducted with the prticipation of: Prof. Dr Dr h, c. Erika Fischer Lichte, Margareta Sorensen and Femi Osofiosan.