

x 28. SEPTEMBAR, 12:00 x NOVA VIŠEGLASJA 1 MNOGOZVUČNOSTI Ustanova kulture „Parobrod" Centarza dramu u edukaciji i umetnosti CEDEUM, Beograd, Srbija Interaktivno otvaranje Pozdravna reč: predstavnici Bitefa i Bitef Polifonije Programski odbor 17. Bitef Polifonije u interakciji s učesnicima i publikom: Boris Čakširan, Diana Kržanić Tepavac, Igor Koruga, Irena Ristić, Lidija Antonović, Ljubica Beljanski Ristić i Sanja Krsmanović Tasić

x 13:00, USTANOVA KULTURE „PAROBROD“ x AKTUELNO U PROCESU - RADIONICE DRAME I POZORIŠTA U OBRAZOVANJU ASSITEJ Srbija i CEDEUM ASSITEJ Srbija - udruženje za razvoj pozorišta za decu i mlade, Beograd, Srbija laclasse.com Prezentacija autorskog projekta Lika Tartara Autor i voditelj radionice: Lik Tartar, Francuska Radionica je deo rezidencijalnog programa koju ASSITEJ Srbije sprovodi uz podršku Francuskog Instituta u Beogradu. Scenes d’enfance - ASSITEJ France i Sekretarijata za kuituru Grada Beograda. Dramski pisac Lik Tartar iz Francuske predstaviće svoj trogodisnji projekat online rezidencijalnog programa za tinejdžere u čijem je središtu senzibilizacija učenika za teatar i pisanje dramskih tekstova. Program laclasse.com realizovan je u saradnji sa deset srednjih škola u Lionu i uključio je oko tri stotine učenika. Autor će predstaviti kako je vodio proces, prezentovati rezultate nastale kroz različite faze, kao i to kako je iz svega toga nastao njegov novi dramski tekst, Radionica je namenjena dramskim piscima, nastavnicima, dramskim pedagozima, studentima romanistike. Konsekutivni prevod: Iva Brdar

x SEPTEMBER 28™, 12:00 x NEW POLYPHONIES AND EUPHONIES Cultural Centre Parobrod Centre for Drama in Education and Arts CEDEUM, Belgrade, Serbia Interactive opening Welcome speech: Representatives of Bitef and Bitef Polyphony 17 th Bitef Polyphony Programme Committee in interaction with participants and spectators: Boris Čakširan, Diana Kržanić Tepavac, Igor Koruga, Irena Ristić, Lidija Antonović, Ljubica Beljanski Ristić and Sanja Krsmanović Tasić X 13:00, CULTURAL CENTRE PAROBROD x CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS - DRAMA AND THEATRE IN EDUCATION WORKSHOPS ASSITEJ Serbia and CEDEUM ASSITEJ Serbia, Association of Theatre for Children and Young People, Belgrade, Serbia laclasse.com

Presentation of a project by Luc Tartar Author and workshop moderator: Luc Tartar, France The workshop is a part of the residential programme conducted by ASSITEJ Serbia and supported by the French Institute in Belgrade, Scenes d’enfance - ASSITEJ France and the Secretariat for Culture of the City of Belgrade, The French playwright Luc Tartar will present his threeyear long project of online residential programme for teenagers, focusing on the raising of pupils' awareness of theatre and writing of theatre pieces, Laclasse.com is realised in cooperation with ten secondary schools in Lyon, involving some three hundred pupils. The author will show how he organised the process, the results achieved at different stages and how it all conduced to his new play. The workshop is intended for playwrights, teachers, drama educators and students of Romance laguages. Consecutive translation: Iva Brdar Running time: 120’