
CEDEUM sa organizacijama ApsArt i Hieb Teatar, Beograd, Srbija


Voditeljke: Aleksandra Jelić i Sanja Krsmanović Tasić

Kako tokom jednog školskog časa podstaći srednjoškolce i osnovce da otvoreno progovore o vršnjačkom nasilju i zajednički promisle kako da se zaštite, prepoznaju i osude ovu pojavu u svom okruženju, koristeći se dramskim metodama, osnovna je tema ove radionice, Uz izvođenje dramskih scena koje su poiazna tačka ove vrste rada, umetnici ApsArta i Hieb Teatra će podeliti svoja iskustva iz škoia i predstaviti rad na ovom projektu.

Projekat Zajedništvo podržala je EU. kao deo projekta ClaimiCrossborder Citizens, Network for Peace, Intercommunal Reconciliation, and Human Security i tima ~cn4hs”.

CEDEUM with ApsArt and Hieb Teatar, Belgrade, Serbia X TOGETHERNESS Moderators: Aleksandra Jelić and Sanja Krsmanović Tasić The central topic of this wokshop is how to encourage secondary and primary school pupils to speak out about peer bullying and consider, with the help of drama methods, protecting themselves, as well as recognizing and condemning violence in their environment. ApsArt and Hieb Theatre will share our experience from schools, by performing the scenes, and present their work on this project. Togetherness is supported by the ED as a part of the project Claim.'Crossborder Citizens, Network for Peace. Intercommunal Reconciliation, and Human Security and the “cn4hs” team.