
vrednom napora i vremena koje nam je dato (ili nam je ostalo) na raspolaganju... Pozorišna tura je treći projekat na kojem ZID Teatar i POD Teatar sarađuju u okviru EU projekta Caravan Next i Bitef Polifonije. ZID Teatar se bavi teatrom zajednice, kulturnom edukacijom i participadjom i nosilacje ovog medunarodnog projekta.

this theatre, artists, people around them, old and young, learn together how to bring to new life the need for topics of concern to them and to move further in this exploration worthy of effort and time that is given us (or left to us)... The Theatre Tour is the third project in which ZID Theatre and POD Theatre cooperate within the EU project Caravan Next and Bitef Polyphony. ZID Theatre is involved in community theatre, cultural education and participation and is the coordinator of this international project.