
Na kraju ture: X 18:00, KULTURNI CENTAR GRAD Produkcija: DAM-DAŠ x PITAMO BOGATE Mađioničarsko horski rusvaj Izvode: Deca sa Meseca, pozorišno-horska grupa dece doma „Vera Radivojević“ iz Bele Crkve Tekst: Stihovi nastali na zajedničkim radionicama. Za/ do/pisao Škart Podrška: Dom „Vera Radivojević", Bela Crkva, i Grupa 484, Beograd Produkciona pomoć: BTD The Balkan Trust for Democracy I Fondacija Jelena Šantić „Gde su, ko su bogati? Imaju II drugove, ll’ samo sabiraju kamate I dugove? Šta bi ih ti pitao/pitala?" Mađioničarski trikovi iz školskih klupa i sobnih ćoškova, skupljeni od malih laži I sitnih prevara. Ovi sklepani aljkavi trikovi mađioničara-početnika i trapavi pokušaji zajedničkog pevanja nezainteresovanog nepostojećeg hora u stvari su prvi koraci u sakupijanju veština tajnih mod. Pitanja su: hoćemo li? Možemo li? Otvara se prostor u kome deca govore o sebi i komentarišu svet odraslih.

At the end of the tour: X 18:00, CULTURAL CENTRE GRAD Production: DAM-DAŠ X WE ASK THE WEALTHY ONES Magicians’ choral rumpus: Children from the Moon Performers: Children from the Moon Stage movement: turnabout Text: You’ll find out Verse from joint workshops, written/added by Škart Support: Vera Radivojević Children’s Home, Bela Crkva + Grupa 484, Belgrade Production assistance: BTD The Balkan Trust for Democracy and Jelena Šantić Foundation "Who are, where are wealthy, do they have friends, or they just substract interest and debts? What would you ask them?” Magic tricks from school desks, various nooks and crannies, assembled from small lies and even smaller deceits. These collected messy tricks of apprentice magicans and sloppy attempts of singing together of an uninterested and non existant choir are the first steps of collecting secret powers. The questions are: Can we? Shall we? May we?

Grupa Škart, u saradnji sa Grupom 484 i dramskom pedagoškinjom Ivanom Bogićević, već deset godina radi terenske radionice sa decom širom Srbije, Belocrkvanska horsko-dramska družina Deca sa Meseca izdvojila se spremnošću na kontinualni rad u raznim medijima. Nezaustavljivi repertoar uvek novih horskih pesama, pisanih s njima i za njih, već se peva i po drugim seoskim i gradskim školama, festivalima u Srbiji, Hrvatskoj, Crnoj GorL. Deca rastu. Idemo dalje! Nakon predstava: ASSITEJ dijalozi - razgovori mladih pozorišnih teoretičara i kritičara sa publikom. Zatvaranje 17. Bitef Polifonije 2016.

A space is open in which children talk about themselves and comment on the world of adults. The group Škart in collaboration with the Group 484 and the drama pedagogue Ivana Bogićević is for the last ten years conducting field workshops with children all over Serbia. The choir-drama group from Bela Crkva has proved itself with readiness to continuously work in different media. The unstoppable program of always new songs written with them and for them is already sung in other village and city schools and Festivals in Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro,,. Children grow. We go on! After the performance: ASSITEJ dialogues - discussion between young theatre theoriticians and critics and the audience Closing of 17 th Bitef Polyphony 2016