


AUTORI IZLOŽBE; Bojana Andrić i Petar Đinović, Redakcija za istoriografiju

Izložba u velikom holu RTS-a smeštena je u pet prostorija za udobno porodično gledanje televizije. Svaka prostorija opremljena je po modi svake od pet dekada Bitefa, a izgled i sadržaj sa TV ekrana odgovara decenijama kroz koje je prošao Festival. Na njima će biti prikazivani snimci iz izuzetno bogate arhive RTS-a u kojoj je sačuvana čitava istorija Bitefa. U malom holu će svakog drugog dana raditi bioskop s repertoarom pozorišnih predstava snimljenih tokom prvih dvadeset godina Bitefa. Tokom trajanja izložbe biće organizovana tri stručna vođenja za srednjoškolce elektrotehničkih škola, studente pozorišne umetnosti i posetioce Dana evropske baštine, manifestacije koja se istovremeno odvija u Beogradu. Tokom rada bioskopa biće organizovana i tri tematska razgovora s publikom, Ovu manifestaciju Bitefu u čast pratiće kamere RTS-a, a biće priređen i štampani materijal. Pored izložbe posvećene Bitefu, Redakcija dramskog i domaćeg serijskog programa u septembru će, u okviru

svoje redovne serije TV teatar, predstaviti izbor snimaka izuzetnih predstava s ranijih Bitefa, To su predstave: Hamlet u podrumu (V, Šekspir, režija i adaptacija: Slobodanka Aleksić, 5, Bitef 71); Mara /Sad (P. Vajs, režija: Janoš Ač, 16. Bitef '82); San letnje nod (V. Šekspir, režija: Roberto Ćuli, 17. Bitef ‘B3) i Ujka Vanja (A. P. Čehov, režija: Eimuntas Nekrošius, 22, Bitef ‘88).

Redakcija za kulturu i umetnost premijerno će prikazati emisiju Prostori slobode kao rekapitulaciju svih pedeset izdanja festivala, oslanjajud se na svedočenja savremenika, kao i na bogat audio-vizuelni arhiv RTS-a, Autori emisije su Olivera Milosevic, scenaristkinja i urednica, i Miško Milojević, reditelj.


AUTHORS OF THE EXHIBITION: Bojana Andrid and Petar Dinovid, Editorial Board for Historiography

The exhibition in the big RTS hall is displayed in five spaces for cosy family television watching. Every unit is furnished after the fashion of each of Bitef’s five decades and the TV contents correspond with the decades lived by the festival. The programmes will show recordings from the rich RTS library which has preserved the entire Bitef history. Every second day, a cinema will be set up in the small hall showing productions recorded during the first 20 years of Bitef. For the duration of the exhibition, professionals will organize guided tours for pupils of secondary electro-technical schools, students of theatre art and visitors of the European Heritage Days, an event held in Belgrade at the same time. On cinema days, there will be three discussions with the public on specific topics. The whole event in honour of Bitef will be followed by RTS camera crews and printed material.

In addition to the exhibition dedicated to Bitef, RTS Drama and Series Department will, throughout Semptember, show a selection of outstanding productions from earlier festival editions within its regular programme “TV Theatre”. These productions are: Hamlet in the Cellar (W. Shakespeare, directed and adapted by: Slobodanka Aieksid, sth5 th Bitef 71); Marat/Sade (P. Weiss, directed by Janosz Acz, 16 th Bitef ‘82); Midsummer Night’s Dream (W. Shakespeare. directed by Roberto Ciulli, 17 th Bitef ‘B3) and Uncle Vanya (A.P Chekhov, directed by Eimuntas Nekrošius, 22 nd Bitef ‘88).

Culture and Art Department Board will show the premiere of Spaces of Freedom, recapitulating all 50 festivals and supported by testimonies of its contemporaries and RTS rich audio-visual library. The programme authors are Olivera Milosevic, scriptwriter and editor, and Miško Milojevid, director.