
x BITEF I NEW MOMENT UREDNIK: Lazar Sakan, kreativni menadžer agencije New Moment Plakati koji su čitavih pola veka oživljavali duh, ideju i programsku koncepciju Bitefa, prikazani su u formi multimedijalne postavke. Tokom pedeset godina, kao autori su potpisivani renomirani konceptualisti, eminentni kreativni direktori i art direktori, ali i mladi dizajneri i umetnici, kreativne agencije i studija. Publika će moći da vidi dela Vladislava Lalickog, Slobodana i Savete Mašić, Slavimira Stojanovića i drugih, kao i agencija „S Team Bates“ i „Blumen Group“. Kreativna agencija „New Moment“, kao dugogodišnji saradnik Bitef festivala, potpisuje najveći broj radova koji će biti prikazani na izložbi, a koje su tokom više od deset godina kreirali Dragan Sakan, Slaviša Savić, Ivan Savić, Jana Miševa, Vladimir Radivojević, Vukašin Vukobratović i drugi. Svaki plakat predstavlja pečat jednog trenutka u istoriji kultnog Bitef festivala kroz prizmu novih pozorišnih tendencija datog vremena. Pored pozorišnih plakata, posetioci izložbe imaće priliku da vide i festivalske kataloge i video-projekcije. Tokom pola veka trajanja, likovno-vizuelni identitet Bitefa postao je sinonim za velike ideje, traganje za novim tendencijama, promene i nove teatarske izraze.

x O GALERIJI NEW MOMENT Galeriju New Moment osnovao je vizionar Dragan Sakan 1995. godine u okviru svoje marketinške agencije New Moment. Od svog osnivanja, pa do današnjih dana, galerija funkcioniše kao epicentar važnih kulturnih dogadanja u prestonici, ali i kao mesto inspiracije. Ljubiteljima kulture poznata je po ekskluzivnim postavkama najvedh svetskih umetnika, poput Dalija, Pikasa, Matisa, Vorhola, po svojoj stalnoj postavci koja obuhvata najpoznatije savremenike iz Srbije i regiona, ali i po tome što prepoznaje i afirmiše mlade stvaraoce.

x BITEF AND NEW MOMENT EDITOR: Lazar Sakan, creative manager. New Moment Agency The posters which for half a century breathed the idea and programme concept of Bitef into life are shown as a multimedia display. During fifty years the posters were signed by renowned conceptualists, prominent creative managers and art directors, young designers and artists, creative agencies and studios. The public will see works by Vladislav Lalicki, Slobodan and Saveta Mašić, Slavimir Stojanović and others as well as by S Team Bates and Blumen Group agencies. New Moment Creative Agency as a long-term associate of the festival undersigns the largest number of displayed works created for more than ten years by Dragan Sakan, Slaviša Savić, Jana Miševa, Vladimir Radivojević, Vukašin Vukobratović and others. Every poster is a signature mark of a moment in the history of the cult festival through the prism of new theatre tendencies of the time. In addition to theatre posters the visitors will see festival catalogues and video projections In the course of half a century the graphic-visual Bitef identityhas come to mean great ideas, pursuit of new tendencies, changes and new theatre expressions.

X ABOUT NEW MOMENT ART GALLERY New Moment Art Gallery was founded by the visionary Dragan Sakan in 1995 as a part of his New Moment marketing agency. Ever since its inception the art gallery has functioned as the epicentre of important cultural events in our capital as well as a place of inspiration. Culture lovers know it for its exclusive displays of the greatest world artists such as Dali, Picasso, Matisse, Warhol; by its permanent display of the best-known contemporary artists in Serbia and the region and also by its identification and promotion of young creators.