

Na pitanje o afričkom pozorištu većina pozorišnih kritičara i teatrologa bila bi na mukama da imenuje bilo kog dramskog pisca osim nigerijskog dramatičara Vole Sojinke, dobitnika Nobelove nagrade, i aktiviste protiv aparthejda Atola Fjugarda. Obojica su prestiž stekli 1960-ih i 1970-ih.

Femi Osofisan, dobitnik prestižne nagrade Talija lATC 2016 za doprinos pozorištu putem kritičkog pisanja, verovatno nije ime koje će nam brzo pasti na pamet. Treba se, međutim, nadati da će se to promeniti s nagradom Talija.

Osofisan pripada naraštaju koji je sledio pomenuta dva pozorišna giganta, a otisak njegovog stopala na afričkom kontinentu gotovo je isto toliko veliki kao i njihov, i nastavlja da raste i u drugim delovima sveta. Njegov najpoznatiji komad verovatno je Once Upon Four Robbers, koji se već proučava na mnogobrojnim univerzitetima širom sveta i koji je ušao u razne antologije.


When asked about African theatre, most theatre critics and scholars would be hard-pressed to name more than one or two playwrights beyond the Nobel Prize-winning Nigerian dramatist Wole Soyinka or the anti-apartheid activist Athol Fugard. Both made their reputations in the 1950 s and 19705.

The 2016 winner of IATCs prestigious Thalia Prize for contribution to theatre through critical writing, Femi Osofisan, is probably not a name that comes to mind that quickly. But hopefully - with the Thalia - that is about to change.

Osofisan is of the generation that followed those two theatrical giants and his footprint is almost as large as theirs on the continent of Africa and it is growing in other parts of the world as well, Probably his most well-known play is Once Upon Four Robbers, which is already taught in numerous universities around the world and has been widely anthologized. But it is only one of some 70 plays by this major artist