
Aii to je samo jedan od sedamdesetak komada ovog velikog umetnika i aktiviste. Ti komadi - kao i njegovi kritički tekstovi - pozivi su na ličnu slobodu i političku akciju a podrazumevaju razne adaptacije grčkih i Šekspirovih originala, prilagođenih za različite političke situadje. Kao Sojinka i Fjugard pre njega, Osofisan napada represivne vlade ma gde da se pojave i napada ih sve redom. Dela su mu postavljana na pozornici u Gatri (Guthrie) i drugim važnim regionalnim pozorištima u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, kao i u Nemačkoj, Velikoj Britaniji i Kini. Kao autor preko sedamdeset komada, stotina kritičkih eseja, četiri romana, pet zbirki poezije, i osoba u dju je cast posvećeno nekoliko knjiga, profesor Osofisan sledi put dobitinika Nobelove nagrade Vole Sojinke. Njegov opus obuhvata niz tema, medu kojima su, kako je lepo rečeno u knjizi eseja o njegovom životu i radu objavljenoj 2009. godine, uloga pozorišta i književnosti u društvu, rod i osnaživanje žena, stil i jezik, pokretljivost govorne tradicije, pa čak i prevođenje i transliteracija. U istoj knjizi, Osifisan se naziva „najhrabrijim nigerijskim

and activist. These plays - like his critical writings - are cries for personal freedom and political action and include many adaptations of Greek and Shakespearean originals, tailored for whatever political situation might exist. Like Soyinka and Fugard before him, Osofisan has attacked repressive governments wherever they have emerged and he has been attacked in turn. He has had his work staged at the Guthrie and other major regional theatres in the United States, as well as in Germany, the U.K. and China. The author of over 70 plays and hundreds of critical essays, four novels and five collections of poetry and the subject of several celebratory volumes in his honour, Prof. Osofisan has followed in the footsteps of Nobel Prize winner Wole Soyinka. His work has covered a range of subjects including, as eloquently stated in a volume of essays on his life and work published in 2009, the roles of theatre and literature in society, gender and empowerment of women, style and language, the mobility of oral tradition and even translation and transliteration. In that same volume, Osofisan is referred to as ‘Nigeria’s most purposeful writer and social critic cum activist. He has incessantly used his creativity to champion the cause of the marginalized members of society. Through his outstanding writ-