
JERUN OLISLAGERS (1967), belgijski pisac koji živi i radi u Antverpenu. Tokom dvadesetogodišnje karijere oprobao se u mnogim umetnostima - pisao je za pozorište, kao i prozu, kolumne i filmske scenarije. Nekoliko njegovih drama koje su prevedene na nemački - medu kojima su Duboko u rupi, a / svinja traga (2002) i Krvavo mesarevo srce (2004) - objavila je izdavačka kuća Ferlag der Autoren. Olislagers uživa u izvođenju sopstvenih proznih tekstova s kojima je nekoliko puta išao na turneje, U okviru društvenog angažmana kojem je takode posvečen, organizovao je nekoliko aktivnosti inspirisanih pokretima Occupy i Indignado. Nedavno je dobio nagradu „Arkprijs voor het Vrije Woord” (namenjena onima koji se ističu u slobodi govora), kao i flamansko-holandsku nagradu „Edmond Hustinx” za svoju celokupnu pozorišnu karijeru. Ovo je njegova druga saradnja sa Janom Fabrom; prethodno je pisao tekst za Prometej pejzaž H (2010). IZVODI IZ KRITIKA „Kakav napor za glumce! Dvadeset četiri sata neprekidnog rata, ceptećeg plesa, strašnih rasprava, kursa joge smeha: obredna i tragična, empatična predstava. Odvija se nekoliko komičnih orgija sa saksijskim biljem, sirtaki se igra bez odeče, odigravaju se vežbe izdržljivosti u kojima se, umesto konopaca, preskaču

Je suis Sang (2001), Orgy of Tolerance (2008) and Prometheus Landscape H (2010). JEROEN OLYSLAEGERS (b. 1967) is a Belgian writer, living and working in Antwerp. His writing career goes back twenty years and encompasses many genres: theatre, prose, columns and film scripts. Seve-ral of his plays have been translated into German and published by Verlag der Autoren, such as Tief im Loch und das Schwein sucht mit (2002) and Das blutende Hertz des Fleishermeisters (2004), Olyslaegers enjoys performing his prose texts on stage and has toured several times. He is also socially engaged and has organized several direct actions inspired by the Occupy and Indignado movements. Last year he was awarded the Arkprijs voor het Vrije Woord (a prize for those who champion freedom of expression) and the Flemish/ Dutch Edmond Hustinx Prize for his theatre career. This is his second artistic collaboration with Jan Fabre: he previously wrote the script for Fabre’s Prometheus Landscape // (2010). FROM THE REVIEWS “How strenuous for the actors! 24 hours of non-stop war, shaking dance, lustful, groaning arguments, a laughing yoga course: a ceremonial, and major tragic, empathie performance. Several comic potted plant orgies take place, syrtakis are being danced naked, skipping endurance workout is achieved - with chains instead of ropes, for twenty unbelievable minutes, accompanied by powerful war screams. The actors take it again and again to the point of exhaustion - most of them look respectfully well-trained: healthily active and well-defined to the last muscle," Ulrich Seidler, Berliner Zeitung “Fabre introduces us into the atmosphere of tragedy, into the time out of time, where each word echoes in eternity, and the movement gets written into the present moment. What amazes, is the author's courage and the ensemble’s dedication in creating and performing the scenes which seem to have stopped the time. The acts of getting dressed and undressed, painting, disguising, washing, licking ice-cream, erection of a male sexual organ or decorating a female one, while it is wide open towards the audience, with flower petals, it all happened in real-time, but also slower - in ritual, devotion, presence." Tina Perič, Politika, Cultural Supplement